Craving sweet foods is common when losing pregnancy weight and just because you are embarking on a new healthy eating plan, doesn’t mean you will never eat a sweet treat again.
When doing your grocery shopping, skip the sugar-laden, processed sweet snacks like chocolates, pastries, biscuits and ice cream and swap for snacks that offer some nutritional value.
If possible try and avoid walking down the supermarket aisles that are filled with lollies and chocolates, so you can avoid temptation.
healthy_eatingSweetness and flavouring can come from other sources than refined white sugar. Ingredients like cinnamon, dates, honey, agave syrup, vanilla essence, coconut, and fruits will hit your sweet spot.
Here are some sweet snacks that you can turn to when a craving hits, without ruining your weight loss goals.

1.  1 cup of chopped honeydew topped with chopped almonds and 1 teaspoon of shredded coconut

Honeydew melon is a great source of vitamin C.
Calories per serve: 142

2. 2 x Ryvitas with cottage cheese and a drizzle of honey

Cottage cheese is a good low-calorie option and goes well with honey.
Calories per serve: 124

3. 1 small bowl of homemade fruit salad

Apart from satisfying sweet cravings, you’ll also receive a hit of essential vitamins and minerals.
Calories per serve: 126

4. Citrus Bang Smoothie

Packed with vitamin C this delicious smoothie gets its sweetness from the fruit within.
Calories per serve: 321

5. 8 strawberries with a cup of reduced-fat natural Greek yoghurt

Strawberries are low in calories and a good source of folate and fibre.
Calories per serve: 112

6. 1 slice of rye bread, toasted and topped with a tablespoon of honey and half a sliced banana

Rye bread is high in fibre and considered a good source of magnesium.
Calories per serve: 215

7. Three quarters of a cup of cooked oats, prepared with almond milk and topped with 8 raspberries

Oats are packed with fibre and are known to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Calories per serve: 141

8. 1 x rice cake topped with 1 x tablespoon of peanut butter and half a sliced banana

Bananas are an excellent source of fibre, potassium and vitamin B6.
Calories per serve: 190

9. Date and Almond Energy Balls

Made with cinnamon, honey and raw almonds these balls are sweet without the sugar.
Calories per ball: 100

10. Half a cup of Jalna Leben (European yoghurt), with 6 x walnuts and a sprinkle of cinnamon

Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E which are reported to assist in maintaining a healthy heart.
Calories per serve: 243
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