Breastfeeding can be hard work! There’s not only the physical act of feeding (and feeding again, and again, and again..) but keeping track of when you last fed, which breast you fed off last, how many wet nappies baby has had, the list is endless! With all that data floating around you could be forgiven for forgetting your own phone number in favour of keeping track of the figures. Fortunately the world of apps has come to the rescue.
1.MyMedela App (Free)
The MyMedela App is available on both iPhone and Android and comes packed with features to help make your breastfeeding experience that little bit easier. Designed by the world’s leading breast pump manufacturer, MyMedela helps you to track your baby’s key activities. It also provides breastfeeding tips and advice and offers a personalised log where you can record breastfeeding sessions, pumping, wet and dirty nappies and even sleep.
2.Feed Safe App (Free)
Is it ok to have a small glass of wine while feeding? What about a beer with dinner? The Feed Safe App was developed in collaboration by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, Reach Health Promotion Innovations and Curtin University.
It contains answers to the most common questions about alcohol and breastfeeding, with information from Australia’s most trusted experts. Feed Safe App includes a timer so that if you decide to have an occasional drink, the app uses your height, weight and alcohol intake to accurately estimate when your breastmilk should be free of alcohol, and alert you when this time has been reached.
3.Baby-Connect ($5.49)
The ‘Rolls Royce’ of baby tracking Apps! Baby Connect lets your record breast or bottle feeds, naps, nappy changes, milestones, pumping along with baby’s mood, temperature, what kind of game they’re playing even their GPS location. You can also attach pictures. and create exportable graphs of the date you collect. A web interface is also accessible from any browser, so that other people can enter information about your child to sync with your own.
4. My Baby And Me (Free)
The My baby and me App from Phillips Avent makes it easy to keep track of your baby’s height, weight, feeding, sleeping and nappy changes. It also allows you to collect your baby’s milestones and other special moments from first smile to first words and turn them into a unique and personalised movie.
At the Healthy Mummy we support ALL forms of feeding your baby. Although we believe that ‘breast is best’ we do understand that not all mums are able to breastfeed or chose not to breastfeed, and as long as both mum and baby are happy and healthy we also support all forms of feeding.
If you are having trouble breastfeeding and would like some support we encourage you to contact the Australian Breastfeeding Association.If you are having trouble breastfeeding and would like some support we encourage you to contact the Australian Breastfeeding Association.
If you’d love to recipe our FREE MILK BOOSTING recipe ebook, then just pop your details in below and it will be in your inbox within minutes.
Did you know that The Healthy Mummy Smoothies are safe for breastfeeding and recommended by doctors, midwives, nutritionists and 9 out of 10 mums.
Plus you can download a fact sheet on the smoothies here