Did you know that the Healthy Mummy Smoothies are JAMMED with nutrition?
Well as they are so different to other products out there, we thought we would shout about it a bit more and give you a chance to WIN a Vanilla Healthy Mummy Smoothie AND a Nutribullet.
To enter, simply fill DOWNLOAD this FACT SHEET here on the Healthy Mummy Smoothie then fill out the form below to tell us what you are MOST impressed about.
To help you out we have listed some of our favourite facts about the Healthy Mummy Smoothie plus watch the video from Nutritionist Cheree who tells us why the Smoothies are so different to other shakes
- The Healthy Mummy Smoothie is Free from ALL artificial ingredients and has NO fructose in
- It is FREE from all caffeine and has NO added sugar
- It is safe in breastfeeding
- It is FREE from gluten & dairy
- It only uses NON GM products
- It comes in 3 flavours and tastes GREAT
- It has 24 vitamins and minerals and is high in fibre & protein
- It is a meal replacement (but a healthy one) and you can choose to use it on its on OR with our popular 28 Day Challenge meals
- It is FREE from all fillers and accelerants and is non refined
- It is used by tens of thousands of mums and has helped time poor mums lose over 2,000,000kg in a safe and healthy way!
So to win yourself a Vanilla Healthy Mummy Smoothie tub, all you need to do is fill out the form below and choose which amazing smoothie fact has impressed you the most on your healthy eating plans.
And if you want to buy the smoothies – you can buy them directly from our site here or you can contact a local sales consultant here
[pb_vidembed title=”Nutritionist Reviews The Smoothie” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2BK2ra6bys” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″]
Competition closes Midnight Monday 28th of March. The Winner will be announced on our Facebook pages on the Tuesday morning – Good luck!