Motivating mum Kat Brown has been following the Lose Baby Weight plans for over 12 months and today she is sharing her progress since starting the New 28 Day Challenge in July this year.
You can see Kat’s previous update here.
“Hi everyone!
My name is Kat Brown and I am a mum to 4 young kids, a small business owner and I work part-time and today I wanted to write in to share with you all the amazing progress that I have had since starting the New 28 Day Challenge in July.
The first picture was at the beginning of the July challenge weighing in at 58kg.

I followed the Challenge for all of July and then chose my favourite meals from the challenge and the 28 Day Plan and repeated them through-out August  until the membership version was released.
I have found the meals in the challenge to be SO quick easy and affordable to have and most importantly ALL of the meals have been husband approved!
The exercises have been very challenging, non repetitive and can be completed in as little as 30 mins (perfect for all busy mum’s!) I also love the support you receive through the Private Facebook Page– it is invaluable.
The other thing I have also really valued is the fact that hundreds of other mums are eating what I am eating and learning what I am learning, I have definitely not felt like I was alone in this challenge at all and that really helps to push you through until the end!
Below is my latest progress picture weighing in at 53.8kg and I am amazed at how my body has changed in the past 3 months with what has seemed like minimal effort as the plans are just so easy to follow.
I am hoping that by sharing my slow progress over the past few months it can help to keep you all motivated and on track.  And also to know that if you work hard you can see the results that you are after.
I am looking forward to the last week of the Challenge and for the November Challenge to begin!
Stay happy and healthy xx

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