So you’ve made the bold decision to give junk food the flick, go you, now comes the hard part of breaking your addiction.
junk food addiction

Whether you choose to cut down slowly or rip that band-aid off quickly, there are a few simple yet effective strategies you can employ to ensure you stay the course.
Here’s 5 ways to help you break an addiction to junk food.
1. Crunch numbers not chippies
Write down the calories, fat and sugar in some of your favourite meals and foods and you’ll be mortified. Make a tally of what you used to consume per month and this will help keep you on the right track. Put this piece of paper on the fridge so you are reminded often.
TIP: Also add up the cost of junk food and how much money you will save and use this money to treat yourself to a massage or a new outfit.
2. It’s time to go… junk 
With a fine-toothed comb go through your pantry and fridge and get rid of any food that is not going to help you in your journey to health and wellness. Then check the fridge in the garage AND make sure you haven’t got a stash in the drawer beside your bed, no judgement here, we’ve all done it!
3. Make sure you’re accountable
Tell the entire world you are off junk so that you’ve got support and people you have to be accountable to. Also, when you feel like you’re about to cave and emotionally eat make a phone call to a friend or family member to distract yourself. Not only will you earn brownie points for calling and not texting, but you’ll take your mind off smashing back that fat-soaked burger.  How to break a junk food habit - staying accountable
4. Take the long way
Make an effort to avoid driving past your favourite takeaway haunts, it would be nice to think that we all have the actual willpower not to stop but why tempt fate? Take a different route to work or school and then you won’t be tempted to stop for ‘something little’ to snack as a reward for doing so well with your eating all week.
5. Be mindful of everything you put in your mouth
If you question every single thing you put in your mouth you’ll notice you’ll stop yourself from eating chocolate at your 3pm crash time. Instead make yourself feel fabulous by drinking water or a hot drink. Also remember to eat little and lots and ALWAYS consume protein during every meal because it helps curb those sugar cravings
Bonus tip: When you’re close to tumbling off the wagon watch That Sugar Film – it’s a total game changer and will alter the way you live your life, well at least for a little while.

Healthy Mummy blog signatureEver month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!Next months theme is the SLOW COOKING A
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try HERE.
1605_THM_BA_FBMREC_June slowcookingSamplerSamplerAd4
Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.
ND ONE POT WINTER WONDERS! – Perfect for the chilly winter weather, SUPER easy to whip up and still just as healthy.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.

Here are some INCREDIBLE results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge.

Hayley Campbell Lost 15 kgs* with the 28 Day Challenges.  

“15.4kg lost so far and there’ s no stopping me. I love that I can have a variety of clean foods and actually ENJOY them. I have also found a love for exercise that I never thought possible. Thank you Lose Baby Weight & The Healthy Mummy for giving me the knowledge to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. For the first time, I don’t fear that I will put the weight back on because this is my life now, it’s healthy!”
You won’t regret it!
Join the challenge herelets-do-it

Heidi Matthews Lost 16 kgs* with the 28 Day Challenges.  

Heidi Matthews
“1st photo 74kg, 2nd photo 58kg. All started with the help of Lose Baby Weight, I love my Healthy Mummy Smoothies for breakfast and the 28 Day Weight Loss challenges have taught me so much about how to eat well and nourish my body with the right foods. The support and encouragement from this group has kept me going when I have felt like giving up many times. Late last year I stepped out of my comfort zone and became a fitness instructor with the help and encouragement of my awesome PT. I still can’t believe this is me, haven’t worn a bikini in 10 years.”

You won’t regret it!Join the challenge herelets-do-it