Hi Ladies, I am one of your motivating mums for this month and I have lost 18kgs* with Lose Baby Weight.
You start off the month with best intentions, but occasionally get side tracked with unexpected events, day to day life and the struggle that is being a mum and having a family.
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My biggest tip here, is to look at your goals again, refocus on what you want and are trying to achieve and have visual guides to look at.
I have three charts going right now pinned to my bedroom wall. A chart counting down to my goal date for my weight loss goal, a chart counting down the kms I have run or walked this month (100km goal). The final chart has the next 5 weeks marked out so I can see at a glance what exercise I have been doing and where to schedule in more to get a good mix of cardio, weights and fun.
I try to plan and organise what I’m going to do each day, but add back up options if for some reason it doesn’t happen.
Like exercise, if I plan a run and it’s pouring with rain, I won’t retreat to the couch and snack, I’ll consider my options like using the Healthy Mummy DVD.
I’ve found this a great tool to use in my exercise routine because the sections are broken into easily managed 11 min parts. I can squeeze a session out while the kids are having morning tea, or occupied with a game.
And it’s fun to encourage the kids to join in to, one of their favourite games is to crawl under me during a plank and see how long I before I squish them.
It’s a chance to be a great role model for my children by being constantly active and being involved in sports.
I have seen mentioned a lot is sometimes people become overwhelmed by the menu choices on the 28 day challenges and believe they will be spending all day cooking and preparing food in the kitchen.
Even before kids I didn’t have time for that. The wonderful thing about the challenges are they are fully adaptable and flexible and with a little preparation I don’t spend much time cooking at all, perhaps an hour a day all up.
The menu plan is released each Wednesday before the week starts. I’ll take a bit of time to peruse the meals and snacks and see what will appeal to the family. I’ll double of some of the snacks or add in old favourites that I can make in bulk and will store in fridge/freezer.
I try and organise a few hours to bake and prep all the snacks and store in containers with the calories in. That means for morning and afternoon tea all I need to do is grab which ever one I fancy and enjoy, the kids love having a healthy selection as well.
I use the healthy mummy smoothies in the morning as they are so quick to whip up and enjoy whilst I prep the kids breakfasts and lunches for my husband and son.
All the dinners are so easy to cook and quick as well. I might make a few adjustments to the kids serves to make it a little friendlier for them, plus add rice or pasta or different vegetables for the rest of the family.
I hope the next few weeks really see you reinforce your new healthy lifestyle and habits and get you closer to your goal.
Vicki xxx
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Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge
Mums lose an average of 4-6kg* (8-13 pounds*) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of more results and you can join here too
Mel Briggs lost 26kgs* with the 28 Day Challenge
Mel says: “The 28 Day Challenge is great because you have so many other ladies doing the challenge at the same time as you.
It is good being a shorter length, compared to many challenges which are 12 weeks long, as it is easier to stay focused.
I loved that there were so many different recipes and so I now have an even bigger collection of healthy recipes from Lose Baby Weight to help me continue with my weight loss. It is also great being on a budget as you can double up and mix and match recipes and because there is so much choice you never get bored.”
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