1506_LBW_TH_FB_MREC_EXPERTSCheree Sheldon, one of the nutritionists from the 28 Day Challenge shares an insight into what a typical healthy day includes for her:
As a nutritionist and naturopath who runs their own business, I have a very varied work routine, and don’t often have the same schedule week to week. I love all the different things my work brings to my life. But I often get asked what do I do on a day to day basis to stay healthy? So, here’s a typical day in the life of me:
WAKE UP: Wake up and do a 5 minute happiness meditation. This makes my mind calm and ready to take up a new day (this is only a new practice for me, but I am loving it!)
BREAKFAST: I never skip breakfast and always factor time in to sit and eat so I start my day calm and ready to take on the world! Eating breakfast gives me energy to get through the morning, so I always make it packed full of nutrients.
I usually have either a quinoa porridge with yoghurt, fruit and nuts, or eggs and veggies – either a broccoli omelette or scrambled eggs with wilted spinach and kale.
For a special treat breakfast I will make sweet potato hash browns and have poached eggs and asparagus OR pancakes with banana.
I am always adding little garnishes to things to make them power packed- so if I have yoghurt I will add a few cacao nibs, or bee pollen, or mix it with Acai powder. On an omelette I will add some sauerkraut or hemp seeds. To make sure my tummy bacteria are happy, I try to eat something fermented everyday. So that could be sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, yoghurt or cashew cheese.
PeachyChiaMorningSmoothieMORNING TEA: For morning tea I will have a smoothie – protein powder (or Healthy Mummy smoothie), coconut water, berries, banana, spirulina and maca is my fave. If I don’t have a smoothie, I will probably have a grazing plate with carrot sticks, hummus, rice crackers and nuts OR a homemade muffin.
LUNCH: Lunch is leftovers or a salad with meat or legumes. I try to make it as colorful and diverse as possible. Today I had purple cabbage coleslaw with millet and turkey. Another fave is zucchini fritters or quesadillas.
AFTERNOON TEA: Afternoon tea is very similar to morning tea. Sometimes I will have some seaweed or a piece of toast from homemade sprouted bread or chia pudding (yum!).
DINNER: At our house we mix up what we have all the time, as I believe variety is the key to getting all the nutrients you need. The base of our dinner is always a protein – chicken, fish, calamari, turkey, pork, beef, tempeh or legumes….. you get the idea! Then there are heaps and heaps of vegies…we eat a rainbow at dinner!Cajun Fish with Bean and Tomato Salsa LR-8740
DESSERT: For something sweet after dinner I will have a cup of peppermint and licorice tea and a small bit of raw dark chocolate or some yoghurt with berries, or homemade ice blocks (which are usually just frozen smoothies).
IN GENERAL: I buy organic as much as possible, and am preservative free, artificial colours and fake flavours free. Due to allergies in our house we all eat gluten and dairy free and cook almost everything from scratch.
I drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day and if need a bit of bubbles I have a sparkling mineral water or water kefir.
EXERCISE: As for exercise, I enjoy high intensity workouts (like those from the 28 Day Challenges) and do cross fit three to five times per week. I also try to do active things with the family – walking the dogs, going to the beach, bush walks….we all went bowling last weekend which was something different and loads of fun!
HEALTHY HABITS: My healthy habits include gardening (we try to grow lots of edible plants), cooking with love and intention. Journalling, craft and practicing mindfulness. And my fave healthy habit is spending time with loved ones and feeling loved.. SOOO important!! I am always doing computer stuff for work- webinars, recipe writing, blogs, or bonus study, so I try to relax with non-screen time stuff if I can!
END OF THE DAY: I aim to finish the day with something that is relaxing…. having a nice bath with epsom salts and lavender in it, drinking a cup of relaxing tea, reading a book or colouring-in, and then I drift off to sleep with a meditation. Learning to relax is still a challenge to me as I like to be occupied, so making these into a routine has made a big difference to how I deal with stresses that pop up.
If you had asked me the same question ten years ago, the answer would’ve been vastly different! Of course, this typical day doesn’t happen every day. I have my challenges, just like everybody else! But I am proud of the changes I have made in my life to get to this point, and can honestly say, the majority of days I stick to my plan and feel really good about the choices I make, and work hard to be a role model to my daughter and practice what I preach to my clients.
Cheree Sheldon, Nutritionist
Healthy Mummy Smoothies