ElishaElisha Danine, Nutritionist for the January 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge shares her top tips on getting organised for Week 2 of the Challenge:

  • By now you may realise eggs are a very healthy, versatile food and we take advantage of their low cost in our family friendly recipes. Source some farm fresh/free range eggs in bulk – as many as your fridge can hold!
  • Feta & Asparagus Omelette – for this dish, prewash and trim asparagus and dice up your feta cheese. Place them in a bowl and store in fridge overnight to save time prepping in the morning.
  • Place some bananas in the freezer for the Creamy Banana & Cashew Nut “Ice Cream” recipe.
  • For the Chickpea & Veggie Wrap recipe you could use dried chickpeas instead of tinned. Just soak them overnight with a pinch of bi-carb. This helps them soften quicker and works out cheaper than buying canned chickpeas.
  • HealthyLemonCake_8976-3000For the Healthy Lemon Cake recipe, save money and make your own almond meal using an easy method such as this one:
    • Measure 1 cup of raw almonds (no need to remove skins)
    • Pour into a high-speed blender – it’s a good idea to add enough almonds to cover the blades of your blender.
    • Secure lid and blend on high speed for 7-9 seconds.
    • Store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to use.
  • Pre-bake the vegetables the night before for the Ricotta & Vegetable Bake. Place in an airtight container and they’ll keep well in the fridge for 2-3 days, so it makes sense to prepare them beforehand to save some time.
  • For the Beef Stir Fry with Broccolini – buy a nice piece of organic or grass fed rump steak. Stir fry beef always costs a little more per kg and all they’ve done is slice it for you. It’s much better to buy a better quality steak and slice it yourself.

Written by Elisha Danine (BHSc Comp. Med.).
Healthy Mummy Smoothies