Even if you have a healthy diet and do plenty of exercise but you could still be carrying some excess weight around your stomach – and this is very common.
Many people are stuck with a bit of a spare tyre that takes extra effort to shift (you can see our top tips for losing stomach fat here) but what they may not know is that there are certain foods that you can eat to help shift that stubborn stomach fat.
Top ten foods that will help you lose belly fat.
1. Almonds
Almonds are great fat-busters as they keep you full. A study showed that those who ate nuts at regular intervals throughout the day were fuller than those that ate rice cakes. Keep a handful of blanched almonds in your bag and snack on them throughout the day – be careful to avoid salted nuts however as the sodium in them can cause spikes in your blood pressure. Click here to see our tips for what the best nuts to eat are.
2. Olive Oil
This sounds like an odd choice as olive oil is full of fat, but the difference is, olive oil is a healthy fat and eating it will satiate your body’s natural cravings for fat. Eat a tbsp. per day and use it instead of other oils. Be sure to choose an extra-virgin oil.
3. Eggs
Eggs are an absolutely fantastic source of protein. They actually have the highest protein, proportionally, than any other food – so they’ll keep you fuller for longer and they’ll also help to burn off excess belly fat. Try to eat the egg whites rather than the yolk as although the yolk has high nutrient value it is high in fat
4. Lean Meat
Lean meats are great at helping you to burn off some of that stubborn stomach fat – but you may be stuck in a cycle of eating lean beef steak and chicken as these are commonly referred to as the leanest meats available. However, you should also give turkey a try, as it is very low in fat and carbs, as well as game meat. All game meats, gram for gram, (that’s all game meats) contain less fat and calories than the calories in a skinless, boneless chicken breast of the same size.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is an especially good breakfast food as it is full of fiber and protein, but it also has just enough carbs so that it will keep you full until lunchtime, stopping you from reaching for the biscuit tin mid-morning.
6. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is an excellent fat-busting choice as it is full of heart-healthy fatty acids, which are essential for helping your body to burn belly fat, as well as protein. Eating up to 1 tbsp. daily will aid your digestion – just make sure you choose an all-natural or organic variety (or even make it yourself) so that you don’t take in any hydrogenated fat.
7. Dark Green Vegetables
Dark green vegetables, such as spinach, curly kale and cabbage are rich in iron and fibre. Eating vegetables like this with every meal and tucking into vegetables when you’re craving a bag of crisps will really help you burn that stomach fat.
8. Berries
Berries are a fruit, meaning they are naturally low calorie, but they are also full of fiber, meaning that your body has to work to digest them, helping you to burn off fat. Berries are also full of anti-oxidants, keeping your whole body healthy. See our list of the top fruits in weight loss here
9. Beans
Beans are a low calorie carbohydrate that will keep you fuller for longer – they’re also packed with protein and fiber, which are both substances that can help you to tone up and lose fat.
10. Whole Grains
Whole grains are heart-healthy carbohydrates that are actually good for you – don’t make the mistake of cutting out all carbs as when you re-intro
duce them, you’ll pile on the pounds. Instead, choose whole grain pasta, brown rice and brown bread as their fibre content will also keep you fuller for longer. See our tips for the best grains when losing weight here
To see our Top tips to bust the belly fat click here
Plus join our Belly Buster Challenge now (it is free) and starts on May 1 to help you bust that belly!!
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