ElishaElisha Danine, Nutritionist for the January 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge explains which foods should be avoided or eaten minimally when trying to focus on lose belly fat:

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbs are digested faster, therefore you feel hungrier sooner. These types of carbs include white bread, white pasta, potato chips, lollies and soft drinks. They are highly processed, so contain less nutrition and are lower in fibre than complex carbs.
If you are at risk diabetes or heart disease, it’s best to give simple carbs a miss as they have been shown to increase your risk factors of these types of diseases. Following the healthy eating meal plans from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge will help you avoid these types of foods.

Ice Cream

Traditional ice-cream is high in saturated fats and sugars but it’s hard to stop at one scoop! Many of the cheaper ice-creams are being filled with vegetable oil to save manufacturers a tonne of money. Therefore, if it doesn’t state ‘dairy ice-cream’ on the label, than there’s a good chance you’re eating this cheap oil that is also used in margarines, lipstick and detergents.
With all of the new handy high speed blenders on the market, it’s easy to make your very own fruity “ice cream” at home. Frozen strawberries and chilled coconut cream with a hint of natvia is a good clean ‘ice cream’ recipe. The January Challenge has a few more recipes to get you going!

Fast Foods

The common denominator with all the fast foods such as McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jack’s and Red rooster – is that they use a load of salt in their foods. One reason is to preserve them as they use mainly frozen ingredients, another reason is to make them taste better to keep you coming back for more! The problem with salt or sodium – is that it holds onto fluid in the cells, making you look and feel heavier. Its best to avoid these fast foods at all costs and make your own homemade healthier burgers and sweet potato fries.
Elisha Danine, (BSc Compl. Med., Adv. Dip. Nut. Med.)
Healthy Mummy Smoothies