Top Ten Tips from real mums.

What you really need to know to give yourself the best chance at a successful feeding relationship
1. Be informed – make sure that you feel really informed about breast and bottle feeding before giving birth. If possible take a breastfeeding class at your local hospital or  birthing centre or see a lactation consultant prior to the birth so you feel confident
2. Be prepared –  before the big day arrives make sure you have set up where you are going to feed and have bought everything you need so when you bring your baby home, you are ready to feed.
3. Ask for help  –  ask the midwife, lactation consultant, mothercraft nurse, your mum, a friend anyone who has breastfed for help and take all the information on board, try what you want and you will soon find out what works best for you.
4. Get the attachment correct- this is one of the fundamental things to get right. If you don’t have the correct attachment things can go wrong very quickly ie. cracked nipples. So make sure you ask someone to help with the initial attachment, don’t continue to feed unless the attachment is correct. It shouldn’t hurt too much. If it does, try attaching again. Ask for help at every feed until you feel comfortable doing it yourself
5. Learn to feed – don’t expect you and your baby will know what to do straight away. Everyone has to learn how to breastfeed and every baby feeds differently. So don’t feel bad if you don’t know what you are doing, you and your baby will learn together.
6. It shouldn’t hurt- it will feel uncomfortable and may sting or feel like pins and needles initially when your milk is ‘let down’ but after a while this should subside. If your nipple is hurting take your baby off immediately as the attachment may be wrong.
7. Relax and Recuperate – Relax and don’t try too hard. You just gave birth to a baby and you will be exhausted. This is not the time to entertain lots of people, it is the time to relax and recuperate and bond with your baby. The less stressed and more relaxed and well you are, the better your milk supply and the easier it will be.
8. Skin on Skin – When babies are placed undisturbed on their mother’s chest, between the breasts, they often will crawl towards the mother’s nipple and latch on unassisted. It is also a lovely bonding time.
9. It takes 6 weeks – every mum will tell you that it takes around 6 weeks to get the feeding going well. If you are lucky then it may be immediate but for most it’s the first 6 weeks that are the hardest and it gets much easier and enjoyable after this so try to stick with it.
28 Day Plan10. Don’t feel guilty – if breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you or you choose to bottle feed from day one, don’t feel guilty your baby will still be healthy and happy.
And a HUGE thank you to Melissa from who has kindly donated this brilliant advice!

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