Hi everyone, Rhian here (the Owner & Founder of Lose Baby Weight and The Healthy Mummy) and I am absolutely DELIGHTED to announce our new 180 page Healthy Mummy Calorie Bible book launch!
After 7 months of an enormous amount of work – by literally a small army of people – our HEALTHY MUMMY CALORIE BIBLE (which is handbag size) is now at the printers and available for PRE ORDER and we have made the book EXTREMELY value driven at $19.95.
We hope that will be a massive help to everyone trying to eat healthier and in the customer preview stage the feedback has been 100% INCREDIBLE (thank you to all the previewers!!) Pre Orders will receive a FREE BURT’s BEES Lip Gloss (RRP $17.50) and orders will be sent week commencing 21 July via Express Post.
We are beyond excited about this book. Please preview the book and order your copy here
About The Calorie Bible
At The Healthy Mummy & Lose Baby Weight, we don’t believe it is necessary to strictly calorie count all of your food and drinks in order to lose weight . Counting every single calorie can make losing weight feel very boring and regimented, which can often mean you don’t stick at any weight loss or healthy eating plan for long.
However, knowledge is power. Firstly, we know lots of mums do like to count calories, and secondly, we wanted to create a calorie guide that was more than just a grid of calorie listings and numbers. We wanted to create a guide that helps to educate you as to how to choose the healthiest calories and put you in control of the foods you are eating.
We wanted to create a guide which sorts through the tens of thousands of brands and products in the market place and lists our pick of the healthiest ones for you to choose from – which means you save time and learn more about better calorie and health choices along the way.
So this is why we have created The Healthy Mummy Calorie Bible, which we hope will become your one stop shop to choosing the healthiest calories for your household.
We haven’t listed the calories for every food in the supermarket, which means you won’t be overwhelmed with data. Instead, we have listed all the key food groups and their calorie listings, then picked our top ten lists in the most commonly purchased branded food sections .
Each section in the book contains extensive commentary, top ten lists, recipes, tips, health and weight loss advice. Our expert team have ensured all the information is easy to understand so that you will learn a lot from reading and using it.
We hope you find it useful and that it is a regular companion in your handbag – as we have of course made it handbag size for ease of use!