Cherries are a popular fruit because of their sweet flavour and firm texture – they make a delicious snack, but they also work exceptionally well in your Healthy Mummy smoothies and it is great to great to buy frozen cherries if you can’t buy fresh.
Cherries are wonderfully flavourful, but they are also packed full of health-giving properties and are great to include in your Lose baby Weight pregnancy weight loss plans. Numerous studies have been conducted into what consuming cherries can do for your health – here are just a few of the results.
A study by the University of Michigan found that those who consumed a high quantity of cherries in their everyday diet were less likely to suffer from high blood pressure, inflammatory disorders and high cholesterol levels and more likely to have a lower body fat percentage.
A study by the Arthritis Foundation has shown that drinking tart cherry juice diluted with water three times per day could reduce your risk of arthritis, and if you already have arthritis, your symptoms – this is thought to be due to the antioxidants that cherries contain, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
Cherries are rich in two particular antioxidants, anthocyanin, which gives cherries their dark red colour, and cyanidin. Anthocyanin is known to improve brain health, helping to prevent cognitive decline whilst also improving memory. Cyanidin is thought to be a super important nutrient that has cancer-fighting properties, and that also helps to fight against and neutralise potentially damaging free radicals.
Cherries are also rich in melatonin, which is responsible for managing sleep cycles – meaning that if you regularly tuck into cherries, you could be ensuring that you get a good night’s sleep every night. They also contain vitamin C, potassium and beta-carotene, which are all essential nutrients for health.
These sweet red fruits are not only rich in health-giving properties, but they can also help you to lose weight when eaten as part of a healthy eating plan such as the Lose Baby Weight plan. One cup of stoned, prepared raw cherries contains 87 calories, which makes them a low calorie food and an excellent alternative to other calorie-rich foods such as potato chips.
Cherries also contain fibre, which is an insoluble plant material that sits in your tummy when you consume it. When you drink water, the fibre swells up in your tummy, which helps to increase feelings of satiety. Fibre also improves bowel health and helps to ensure that you go to the toilet with regularity, which is good for both weight loss and general health.
If you want to add cherries to your diet to boost your weight loss, try adding them to your Healthy Mummy Smoothie – you can see our TASTY Black Forest Gateaux Smoothie below.
[pb_vidembed title=”Black Forest Gateaux Smoothie” caption=”” url=”” type=”yt” w=”580″ h=”455″]
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine that are safe in breastfeeding
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