The cold weather is looming and hot showers and central heating can take its toll, leaving skin dry and our system sluggish, the perfect breeding ground for the dreaded cellulite.
benefits of dry body brushing
Healthy eating and exercise can help prevent an attack of the cottage cheese, but the less active life we lead in winter can make it hard to avoid.  We’re also less likely to spend time exfoliating and moisturizing our skin in the winter month’s as it’s just too cold! The result? Skin that needs a little bit of TLC.
Enter dry body brushing. Beloved by celebs like Miranda Kerr and Molly Sims, this Auryedic technique is a quick way to kick start circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage and the release of toxins. Simply put, it gives the body a helping hand to get rid of the yucky stuff and is the perfect accompaniment to a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Regular brushing may even help with things like water retention and general fluid buildup, meaning it can help you look that little bit more toned, and really emphasise your hard fought weight loss.
Dry body brushing is also fantastic for gentle exfoliation, sloughing off the dead cells that give that very attractive flaky look, and preparing the surface of the skin for products like moisturizer or self-tan. It’s a double whammy for targeting all the winter body nasties.
So how do you do it? You’ll need a long handled body brush, ideally one made from plant bristles (Priceline stock a large range) and about five minutes before your daily shower.
Morning is the recommended time to get brushing but it can be done in the evening.

Tips to dry skin brushing

  • Keeping skin dry, start from your feet and work your way up the body towards your heart in long, sweeping movements.
  • Don’t apply too much pressure as light strokes are best. Imagine that you are helping coax the blood to pump around the body, plumping out skin and banishing dimples.
  • You can concentrate on any problem areas (thighs and bottom perhaps?!) by applying a little more pressure and firmly stroking the area with smaller movements.
  •  It’s best to either avoid or go very lightly over the chest/décolletage as the skin is extremely fine in this area and prone to bruising/irritation.
  •  Finish off by hopping in the shower and to really amp up the skin smoothing benefits, apply your favourite moisturizer or body oil after hopping out.

If you can commit to doing this daily, or even a couple of times a week, you’ll really notice a difference. Think of it as your at-home, mum friendly spa treatment (and we all deserve one of them!).

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