Motivating Mum Jade Shaw has lost over an 19kgs amazing with Lose Baby Weight and talks about being a single Mum and over coming her personal struggles.

Hi Beautiful Mummies
This months blog I want to talk about my struggles and triumphs as a single mum on the Lose Baby Weight lifestyle.
As many of you already know my name is Jade and I’m a single mummy to a beautiful 1 year old indiana.
I started my weight loss journey with Lose Baby Weight at the start of September where I had just come out of a very terrible relationship with my daughters dad. I was thrown many put downs and always felt I was never good enough.
Being a single Mum isn’t easy when I started back in September I was terrified I was going to fail as this is what happened many times in the past. I sat there for hours writing up my goals and one goal stood out to me. That goal was that I never want to let my daughter down and I’m not only doing this for myself but now I have a little human being that I wanted to make proud. All of a sudden all my negative thought disappeared I new I needed to change my lifestyle and I was that determined. I felt lost at the start but within a couple of weeks looking at the Lose Baby Weight Support Group I had finally found my way.
At the start I started of just walking with the pram and following the September 28 Day Challenge within 28 days I had dropped 5 kilos. I felt invincible but then reality set in I was finding it hard to get exercise in and making excuses as to why I couldn’t do it. I convinced myself that it’s just to hard to do exercise being a single mum as I couldn’t get to the gym but I was wrong I found different ways to exercise at home. I started walking just before my daughters nap times so she would fall asleep on the walks and wouldn’t become bored. I come to the realisation that this is my life I don’t get a break every second weekend like most single mums as I have 100% care of my daughter.
I got into a head space where I accepted this and I new I had to go with it and make it work. I decided the gym just wasn’t an option and I’m ok with that. I now go for runs with the pram while bubs is sleeping and during the day find different ways to exercise around the house. Bubs is a really good eater so what ever I make she will eat which is a plus.
I have had many struggles but my triumphs by far weigh out my struggles. I have now lost 19.4 kilos following Lose Baby Weight and now no that even being a single mum isn’t an excuse if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it work with what you have got.
Jade Shaw
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