Hi Mums,
I am Shona and I have lost 14kgs* with Lose Baby Weight and I am one of your motivating mums for December.
At my fittest and healthiest I was 62kg but we struggled to get pregnant and needed IVF assistance. Through this process my exercise levels dramatically decreased, my emotional eating increased and my weight increased.
Looking for new and exiting meals to try? Download your FREE recipe sampler from the 28 Day Challenge here
Or you can join the challenge directly here
When I got pregnant I was 78kg. Endless surgeries and hospitalisations later, we had two successful pregnancies and two beautiful girls (one preemie 7.5 weeks early).
I was not one of the lucky ladies who lost weight during breast feeding, in fact I had the opposite, and by the time I finished feeding I was 97kg.
Sooooooo….. This is when the weight loss journey began.
I purchased the Lose Baby Weight book and smoothies and decided to try some recipes.
They were all great, but I was still eating way too much and not in the right frame of mind.
Then in July 2014, I signed up for the first 28 day challenge. I figured I could do anything for four weeks.
The exercise plans and the variety of food made it really simple to follow and meant I didn’t get bored. I would go to the park and as the baby slept and older child played, I would do the exercises.
I was working really hard but the results just didn’t happen. Often I wondered what the point of the hard work was.
Looking for new and exiting meals to try? Download your FREE recipe sampler from the 28 Day Challenge here
Or you can join the challenge directly here
I decide to join the gym and ramped my exercise up even more, but still no real results. Then I got really sick and some days I couldn’t exercise at all and could barely get out of bed.
The short story is I have female issues and will probably end up with a hysterectomy.
As I am often in pain, my cortisol levels are very high and weightloss is tough.
Someone posted the following quote on the healthy mummy page: ‘progress might be slow but quitting won’t speed it up’
This really resonated with me, yes results are excruciatingly slow, but what’s the alternative?
At least I will be fit and healthy. I have lost 14kg in 16 months and am beginning to feel better about myself and finally feel like the old, pre IVF person I was.
The support and inspiration I get from the Healthy Mummy group makes me laugh and cry and I feel like I have 25000 new friends.
Shona xx
Looking for new and exiting meals to try? Download your FREE recipe sampler from the 28 Day Challenge here
Or you can join the challenge directly here
Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge
Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of more results and you can join here too
Andrea Lost 30kgs* with the 28 Day Challenge
Andrea says: “My happiness has improved 100%, my confidence is building and my patience with my family is so much better because I am happy with my self.
The meals are not hard or complicated and can sometimes feel so naughty. This helped me with the struggles I have had on previous diets that I am missing out on delicious food.
Every meal I have made has been amazing and got my family’s tick of approval.”
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You won’t regret it!