A BIG part of what The Healthy Mummy community is all about is being part of a LIKE MINDED group of mums.
- All of us are mums
- All of us are going through similar life stages
- All of us have issues we are dealing with
- All of us are doing our best to live a healthy life for our family and ourselves
- And all of us are in it together!
So we thought it would be GREAT if we starting sharing some of the stories from mums within our Community, so other mums can relate to what others are going through and to hear first hand about stories from real mums in our community
So – if you have a story that you think other mums can relate to and be inspired from then please send it in to us and if we publish it we will send you $30.
A few things to think about before sending in your story
1) Keep your story between 600 – 1000 words
2) Include 5-7 GOOD QUALITY photos (please no collages, blury images or images with filters)
3) Spell check your story before sending it in
4) Remember our policy is always no controversy, lots of support and no judgement so bear this in mind when writing
Send your story in to [email protected]
We will be publishing these stories every day if enough good quality ones come in so please send in any story you want to share
Every story we publish will be sent the Healthy Mummy $30 cash the same week we publish – but you are paid if we publish your story. Payment will be via paypal.
Here are some topics that you may want to share your own personal stories on
- Your own experience with breastfeeding – you may have been told contradictory advice, you may have overcome an issue, you may have been told not to breastfeed in public, you may have struggled to feed then overcame this issue, you may have boosted your supply, you have any story that people will want to or need to read
- You have your own experience to share on post natal depression
- You have overcome HUGE health obstacles to lose weight – like PCOS, diabetes, thyroid disease etc
- You have your own experience with birth that is unique and interesting to others
- Your own experience of pregnancy discrimination at work or within life
- Your own experience of single parenting and an inspirng story of weight loss, health, something unique you have done
- Your own personal experience of Isolation and how you overcame it
- Your own personal experience of overcoming hardship
- Your own experience of your husband losing weight with you and the health and weight loss journey you did
- Your own personal experience of how your children have transformed their health by changing their lifestyle/diet
- Something incredible you have achieved
- You may be a MEAL PLANNING PRO – show us your meal planning photos, prep and tips
- Someone you want to thank for supporting you and the reason why – like a random act of kindness
- Something funny – eg – 10 of the funniest thing toddlers say/do etc
- How you overcame morning sickness
- How you coped being back at work
- Any personal story that you have that you think other mums will want to read
On ALL stories please include as many GREAT photos as possible to showcase your story. The photos MUST be high quality and not blurry – we only run great quality pics
Thanks ladies – we can’t wait to share and read!!
Rhian & The Healthy Mummy Team x