Hi Lose Baby Weight, I just wanted to share my post pregnancy weight loss journey/story since using The Healthy Mummy Smoothie’s and Lose Baby Weight diet plan.
When I fell pregnant in October 2011 I was at my lightest weight in years weighing 63kg and throughout my pregnancy I gained a whopping 22kg!
After giving birth to my beautiful daughter on July 4th 2012 I walked out of hospital weighing 75kg but I was absolutely smitten with my new little girl and was in no hurry to shift the weight.
3 months on I started feeling frumpy and uncomfortable in my skin but by chance I came across the advertisment for The Healthy Mummy smoothies in My Child magazine and with nothing but the weight to lose I decided to give it a go.
Now 7 months after giving birth I am weighing in at 61kg and feeling fitter and better than ever! So I owe a big thankyou to The Healthy Mummy for helping me lose 14kg!
I am proud of what I have been able to achieve using The Healthy Mummy smoothies and diet plan and have no hesitation reccommeding it to all Mums I know
I have attached some before and after photos to show my progress (Photo of the day I started using the Healthy Mummy smoothies and a photo of me now)
Thank you kindly, Julie Durbhakula
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout