‘After reading the winning Mum’s story each month for the past 9 months I am so happy to say that this month I feel compelled to write my own story to share with you and your readers.
My girlfriend first told me about the Healthy Mummy Smoothies during a chat over the phone.
We had been discussing how hard it was to find the time to prepare and eat lunch while tending to the needs of babies. My daughter was 4 months at the time.
I hung up the phone and immediately googled Healthy Mummy Smoothies, ordered online and within days had received my first order – the Strawberry Smoothie mix.
6 weeks after giving birth my weight was 93 kilos, I had been 76 at the time of finding out I was pregnant.


I breastfed from birth which helped initially but then my weight seemed to plateau and at the time I drank my first smoothie I weighed in at 86 kilos.
My weight loss since starting on the smoothies has been steady and gradual but I have continued to lose weight and not gain and am still doing so each week.
Today I weigh 73 kilos and feel fantastic.
The picture on the right was taken a week ago and I took it because I was so excited to wear my skinny jeans again, they actually fit better than ever!
I have always used the smoothies as a lunch alternative when circumstances have meant that if I didn’t have the smoothie in the cupboard I would have missed lunch altogether or ended up eating something ‘bad’.
I am still breastfeeding my daughter now and have great peace of mind knowing that drinking the smoothie is actually helping with my milk supply and energy levels.
Along the way I have tried the other smoothie flavours and have settled on Vanilla as being my favourite.
My favourite smoothie recipe is to mix vanilla with a handful of almonds, a frozen banana and a cup of skim milk and garnish with a sprig of mint, yum.
I would also like to mention that I have found the support that comes with liking your Facebook page terrific.
Getting to see posts and links to the website with recipes, quotes and exercise ideas has been another reason I have continued to lose weight and stay motivated to do so.
Thank you!’
– Jules Reid de Grosbois
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
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