Romany Harper is a busy mum that found the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge was the best way to lose weight.
Romany has lost 17kg and looks fantastic. She credits healthy eating as the reason for feeling (and looking!) so good.
Way to go Romany!
‘The Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Diet and Exercise Plan has helped me by teaching me that healthy eating doesn’t mean “boring food”.
All the food is full of flavour and quick to make which is perfect for a busy mum.
Before starting the plan I knew I needed to make a change.
Now after losing 17kgs I not only feel great on the outside but the inside too.
I wanted to become the best version of myself possible for not only me but my daughter too.’
– Romany
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here