Hi Lovely LBW’ers!
Here we are at the half way point for the April challenge! How have the first two weeks been for you?
lose baby weight 30kg loss

For me, I have been struggling with some external issues that have been greatly affecting my mood, but I am doing my best to make the right choices as often as possible.
I have not lost any weight so far in this challenge, but I am kicking goals in other areas. One of my aims for this month is to move every day. So far I have been successful except for one day when I was unwell last week. Other than that, every day l have been getting up and taking the dog for a walk before I get ready for work.
I find even though it is a struggle to get out of bed, doing some form of exercise at the beginning of the day really sets me up well for the day ahead.
If you follow my posts on the LBW private Facebook group, you might know that parkrun is my favourite way to get moving.  Lately though, I have been struggling – where I used to be able to run 5k without stopping, I have been slowing right down and having to walk after about the 3k mark.
Yesterday I managed to get my time back to where I used to be, and I am feeling so proud! I ran the whole 5k in 34:26 minutes. My PB is a bit over 33 minutes and I am coming for it!
I have blogged about my running in the past. It truly is my stress relief and how I measure my achievement.
On Easter Sunday, I completed my first ever 10k. I managed to run the first 5k and then I ran/walked the rest of the course in intervals. I completed with a time of 1 hour and 18 minutes, a serious sense of exhaustion and a massive smile on my face.
I am currently working towards completing the 14k city to surf in August, and I would really love to run the entire distance. A large part of my success will come from ensuring that I keep on moving every week.
I really notice the difference between runs if I skip a week. I am going to sign up to the 14k City to south in June so that I can have a practice run before attempting the main event in August.
I will be shouting from the rooftops when I complete that one, so stay tuned for my rants and updates!
Last year was my year. I lost 31kgs in 8 months using the LBW challenges. I developed a love and awe for my body, and the amazing things it can do.
I still have flabby bits and stretch marks, but wow – my body carried two amazing kids for me. I discovered that it can run and squat and jump and stretch and a whole range of activities that I had previously ruled out.
I was looking through the pictures of my youngest son yesterday, and found a picture of a woman I didn’t recognise.
I have previously only used the typical underwear shots for my before photos – mostly because there weren’t any photos of me at my biggest that weren’t selfies!
Without realising, I had become skilled at hiding from the camera. Coming face to face with this picture was a real eye opener. Even Hubby came up and said he has no recollection of me looking like that.
This photo is of a mum who is struggling. I had mild pnd, terrible self-esteem and felt way in over my head with the realities of two kids to look after. Like all parents, I eventually found my groove.
Thanks to LBW, I have found my groove with my health as well. Yes I put on a few kilos since reaching goal, yes I am struggling to shake them off again – but I have a greater understand of food, and fitness and what fuels me.
This is a lifelong journey ladies, not some fad diet – so strap yourself in and enjoy the support, recipe and exercise this amazing program has to offer. You will never regret it.
Rachel xx

Every month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!Next months theme is the ENERGY & METABOLISM BOOSTING! – so if you are feeling a tad tired – this one is right up your avenue!!
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try here
Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.


Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge

Mums lose an average of 4-6kg* (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of results and you can join here too
Cat Lost 30kgs* with the 28 Day Challenge 
Lose Baby Weight-30kg Loss
Cat says: “I love how versatile the recipes are, I am able to chop and change the cuts of meat so it stays within our budget. I used chicken mince the other night instead of chicken breast as I had stocked up while that was on sale and the Sweet Mustard Chicken was freaking amazing!
The workouts are fabulous! Everything you can do on the lounge floor while you have a few spare minutes between loads of washing while bub is napping- no excuses!”
DON’T delay!
Join today and become healthier and fitter. Join 1000’s of other mums on the same journey and be supported every step of the way.
You won’t regret it!