Nowadays Easter is like a second Christmas. Everyone seems to take off long holidays. Business’ close down. Families gather. And we eat and eat and eat – and most of the eating is in the form of chocolate and hot cross buns – neither of which are good for losing your baby weight, achieving your pre pregnancy shape and becoming super healthy.
But thankfully it is now over and whether you are starting your weight loss campaign for the first time or jumping back on the wagon consider this time the same as Jan 1 for weight loss and throw yourself at it 110% – and if you are dedicated enough you can be sure that you will get to your goal weight (if you want some extra motivation check out these great weight loss success stories and pictures from mums who have been on the Lose Baby Weight plans and lost their weight – these are sure to inspire you).
If you did overindulge at Easter and end up chomping through half of your body weight in Easter Eggs then there is no point despairing over it. What’s done is done and you can’t change the past – only look forward and now the temptation has gone, and that everyone has gone back to work or school and that other than any crying babies you may have, you now have the time to focus on you and getting back into shape.
So where to from here and what are the first steps for heading in the right direction;
- Go to the Lose Baby Weight plan page and choose what products and plan suit you and your budget best – we have 6 plans and they start from $94 and include two Breastfeeding plan options too
- Get a picture of yourself pre pregnancy and at your goal weight and stick it onto your fridge and cupboards – it will remind you why you are doing your weight loss campaign when you have moments of weakness – which you will have!
- Clean out your cupboards and throw out all of your junk and processed foods an replace it with wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables (check out our healthy recipes for weight loss here)
- Get yourself a pair of good trainers so you can go for a walk every day, do weight loss exercises and not get sore feet
- Watch our motivation video with the top ten motivation tips which will help you stay focussed
The point to remember is that your future weight is in your control and if you want it enough and put the right support mechanisms in place you CAN and WILL succeed – Easter blow out or not!