healthy_eatingOhhh the weekly supermarket shop.
There is the battle of wills going on in your head as you wander past aisle after aisle of processed foods that could derail your weight loss plans.
Then there’s the baby/toddler/small child who doesn’t appreciate being stuck in a trolley while you try to read nutrition labels to make the healthiest choices.
Not to mention getting home and having to lug everything into the kitchen, only to realise you forgot to buy nappies.
Who needs it!
If you haven’t already tried it, shopping online for your groceries could be a great way to help you with your healthy eating plan. How? I’m glad you asked…

  • You don’t even need to SEE the unhealthy foods

It’s simply a breeze to avoid being tempted by cream filled desserts or sugary soft drinks – don’t click on that section! You can stay in the healthy sections like fresh produce, meat, cheese, yoghurts, nuts and legumes.

  • There are no sweets at the checkout

And that’s not just great news for you, but it means the kids won’t be asking for it either.
Impulse purchases are all about placement – the supermarkets know this and place items like chocolate bars and chips in high visibility areas; or they put everyday items like milk and bread at the back of the shop so you have to walk past an array of other tempting products to get to them.
In the online world it’s YOU that navigates the store, choosing whether or not to view items in a particular aisle or not.

  • You can save time on your shop

There’s no time spent driving to the supermarket, parking, packing and unpacking. Most supermarkets let you save your list too so that the items you buy regularly can just be selected with the click of a button next time you order.

  • You don’t have to give in

If your kids love a certain type of food that you don’t want in your kitchen, they won’t be there to pester you to buy it. They will just find the kitchen stocked with healthy, well thought out products that appeared by magic from the home delivery person.

  • You can stick to your budget

There is nothing worse than getting to the counter and realising you’ve spent way over your usual amount. Shopping online allows you to see the price tally up the whole time, so you can add or remove items if you need to.

  • You can take your time

There’s no stress of having to rush through the shop to avoid a toddler meltdown or peak hour traffic.
You can start a list and come back to it later when you have time.
You can read and compare nutrition labels in your own good time.
You can find out more information about a product by looking up its website if you want to.

  • You can order your Healthy Mummy Smoothies while you’re online

As well as your milk, fruits, veg and nuts that you can throw in to make a delicious smoothie.

  • You can shop in your PJs at a time that suits you

Shop after the kids have gone to bed, or at 5am when you can’t sleep, or from the bench at the park while the kids play. Use the time saved to do something you really enjoy.
Perhaps you will still enjoy getting some of your fresh produce from the local fruit shop or butcher, but for the regular items in your shop it could be a great way to stay focused on your healthy eating plan.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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