We have recently enlisted some AMAZING women Personal Trainers who spend their days training mums to work with us at Lose Baby Weight to give some specific advice to mums and to give weight loss for women help as as we all know if we can do exercise as well as getting the diet and nutrition right then we are onto a weight loss winner!
Our first post is from a fantastic and inspirational woman called Vix Erber who runs www.mamamoves.com in Sydney and her if her blog doesn’t get you motivated to do some exercises to lose weight then I don’t know what will 🙂 ENJOY.
Get out there and DO IT
One of the greatest all-time reasons for mums not ‘being in respectable shape’ – is the “lack of time” excuse…
The biggest problem with this is that it’s rooted in false pretences which cover up the truth and therefore prevent many ‘would be’ sexy and confident women from ever even attempting to get their body, mind and spirit into healthy, firm and fit shape…
See, when the typical woman or mum thinks of fitness or ‘an exercise program’ – she immediately envisions how incredibly busy her schedule is – and there is simply no way she could fit 60 minutes of exercise into this already chaotic daily routine…
Hence the first false myth is revealed – “60 minutes of exercise”…
See, an hour of exercise time is simply not mandatory in order to get the results. There’s nothing wrong with doing that amount some days – but there is no need for it every day.
As a matter of fact – I’ve trained many mamas who have had to get by on 15 to 30 minutes of exercise 5 or 6 times a week for a month here and a month there.
When done properly – it works…
But that’s not all… Besides the ’60-minute misunderstanding’ – we then have the presumption that any program worthy enough to deliver visible and lasting results – must be executed in some type of ‘fitness facility’, which of course would have to involve using more precious time.
The modern day mum devotes so much of her attention and energy on the kids that she feels guilty when thinking about taking time for herself – even time to take care of her health, strength, longevity and happiness – creates feelings of guilt in many women.
Truth be told – there’s no better gift a mum can give her child than setting the priceless example of taking care of the most valuable gift she has… ‘Her Life’
And if that’s not enough – you are also ensuring that you’ll be around for the kids – for as long as you possibly can – with optimal levels of energy, sanity, and vitality – setting the stage for you to even be ‘alive and kicking’ when the grandchildren arrive!!
Don’t let myths stop you from action… Don’t be fooled into thinking you have to spend a few hours every day to get undeniable results…
Don’t assume that you can’t follow a complete, efficient and effective program right in your own house – at the total convenience of your own schedule…
But don’t be like most other women who just ‘push it off another day’ or another week, or another month – because that turns into years…
And you know where that leaves you, right?
No woman is ever “too busy” to protect and nurture the one life she has been given…
If starting today is too soon – take a look at tomorrow and ask yourself, “can I spare 15 minutes to take care of me?”
The key is to get started… and if you tried this in the past, well it’s never too late to ‘start again’…
If you need help losing your weight please see our Lose 12kg in 12 Week Challenge which will help you achieve your goals and stay focused