Well it has been an up and down battle for the last few weeks on my weight loss. With Christmas, family gatherings, tired kids, tantrums, holidays and everything else associated with the festive season.
I am only now starting to recover and get back on track. My weight has fluctuated a little over the time between 60.5kgs – 63kgs and I gained weight for the first time in months which then put me on a little emotional rollercoaster.
I also have a baby who has decided he will feed 4-6 times a night and mixing my sleep deprivation with the weight gain I had to try pick myself up out of this mini rut. I am pleased to see I am back down to my 60.5kgs as of Friday but I still seem to be struggling to lose the last 500grams to reach my goal weight – but I am very happy that I have lost 17kg with the Lose Baby Weight plans so far and I love the Lose Baby Weight plans.
After my partner took me away for some much needed time out away from everything, I came home with a better mind set and was ready to start to gain control of my routine again. I am back to the healthy mummy smoothies for breakfast and alternating lunch and dinner as I have started back at work and the nights I need to leave early I have a smoothie for dinner.
I am back to doing the exercise DVD daily and it was painful to start back again, but well and truly worth it as I felt I had lost some of my muscle mass. I’m working back up to my 5km ran daily as well and my next goal will be to enter a 5km fun run which hopefully I can accomplish at some stage in the middle of the year.
I’m finding it hard to find energy to exercise with a baby who is awake most of the night and returning to work has also been a huge adjustment to find the time to fit everything in. So adjusting my routine and tweaking will be my next step. I have found I have had to do exercise in short burst and more frequently during the day instead of 2 massive sessions as I just do not have the time. But it is still working J I would be lost without the dvd.
Snacking again is a big part for me and I make sure I prepare my snacks for the day/ week other wise I forget to eat them which in turn can lead to the wrong choices.
The weather has warmed up quiet allot down here and we are set for 5 days over 40 and with my exercise equipment in the garage makes it near on impossible to use it in the afternoon, so I make sure my exercise is out of the way early. Then we spend the late afternoons outside under the sprinkler or in the kiddie pool, where running around after a toddler who always seem to have endless amounts of energy burns off some excess calories.
So even tho I have had a slight fall off the wagon I have picked myself back up and I am not dwelling on the past. I am only human and have to forgive myself for the little slip up and continue my journey. Each of these hurdles will only make me stronger and I will have the strength to follow through with all my goals next festive season. Bring on the last 500grams you will soon be gone!
Thanks for listening and stay motivated mummies
Nic xx
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