This week has been a really busy week and I have been running around like a head less chicken – plus I have been sick and am still getting very little sleep because the little man is refusing to sleep throughout the night without waking 4 times! But I am VERY excited today as in desperation I have asked a Tresillian nurse to come to my house to stay for two nights and I am hoping that she will be able to help me and magically get him sleeping – I have my fingers crossed – will update on progress next week!
I attended a business event this week and it was great to get out and about and talk about the business and the products on the plans. Kai came with me too which was fun and he loved all the attention he got and he was very well behaved. At the event this week I met an amazing woman called Rhiannon Rees who has been through a huge amount of adversity in life and has written a book called “How to Climb Mount Everest in Sandals” which has just come out and if anyone is having a tough time and needs some inspiration you must read this book and Rhiannon’s story – incredible – her website is
As I have been so busy it has been tough to get out and do a big walk every day but I have still made sure I am doing a lot of incidental walks during the day – whether to the shops or post office.
I had a big temptation this week – I was out shopping and I was STARVING. I was out much longer than I had expected to be and I had forgotten to bring any of my healthy snacks with me and I was in a shopping precinct and all I could see was croissants, bagels and bad foods. I was so close to getting a croissant or bagel as a quick fix but I knew that would be so bad for my weight loss so I found a Boost Juice kind of place and they had a big carton of chopped up watermelon so I bought that and munched on that too which did the trick of filling me up – phew and only about 100 cals!
I usually weigh in on a Friday but as I hadn’t done a huge amount of exercise I decided to postpone it this week until Sunday and when I did it I was VERY happy to see another 600g loss – now just over 1kg to go to my goal – gotta love the Lose Baby Weight plans!!!
I also did some more video footage this week with little Kai making his debut – hope you find it useful and you can check me out as the new Family Capers Advisor on how best to lose your baby weight!