A New York creative media agency, Mother New York, have come up with an hilarious and wonderful campaign ahead of Mothers Day.
We all know that mums are bottomless pits of advice and knowledge and it’s so lovely for it to be recognised and valued……..and spread ALL OVER NEW YORK CITY. Of course with a hint of humour to make us all smile……
A team at Mother Creative sent a survey out to all their employees who are mothers or mother figures and asked them for their pearls of wisdom and motherly advice.
We love how they used REAL MUMS to get their quotes. Once they had gathered all their information they plastered it all over New York City. How cool??? We can’t think of a better campaign influencer than a mum. To thank all their mum employers for their help, the agency have given them the Monday after Mothers day off work. WE LOVE THAT!!
We can just imagine how this campaign is making people all over the city smile and nod in agreement. Some of our favourite Mother Love quotes are from the campaign are:
1. “Be the kind of person your online dating profile promises”
2. Follow your dreams. Just not the kind you had in puberty.”
3. You should get together with Helen’s son Jacob, he’s in New York too”
4. “Tell your therapist nice things about me”
5. “One way to guarantee you won’t be a cheerleader is not to try out”
6. “I understand you’re too busy on that phone to call home” Raw, honest, funny and a very candid way to remind the people of New York City not to forget it’s Mothers Day!!
What piece of mothering advice would you offer?
Love the Healthy Mummy team xxx
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