Hello to all my beautiful fellow tiger striped mummas!
My name is Rae Willingham and I get to be on the fabulous team of Motivating Mums for March. I am a Mum of three under 5 and without the Lose Baby Weight 28 day Challenges & the Healthy Mummy Smoothies I shudder to think where I would be in terms of kilos now.
I adore everything about the Healthy Mummy. EVERYTHING!
Lose Baby Weight 15kgs Loss

Since having my precious Baby Margot 6 months ago (where has that gone?!) I have used two smoothies a day.
Between working almost full time hours in my own business, doing the book work for my husband’s business, having three at home excepting 5 hours of kinder a week, moving house three weeks ago and attending twice weekly appointments to help fight the big C with my beloved first born fur baby Winston who passed just before christmas, I didn’t & don’t have the time to think; not thinking leads to some pretty horrific choices from the pantry for me!
Get your FREE recipe sampler from the 28 Day Challenge here
Or you can join the challenge directly here
In July of 2014 I lost 15kgs following the Lose Baby Weight challenges, using the 28 Day Plan Book and devouring the delicious Healthy Mummy Smoothies.
I then thought I looked pretty good in my knickers and paraded around in them one too many times resulting in the sooner than planned baby M.
I stayed on track throughout my pregnancy by adding in my extra calories to my Lose Baby Weight meal plan and switching over to the pregnancy smoothies. They were just as delicious and by using them as my twice daily snacks I not only had an incredible energy boost; I knew I was fuelling my body and in turn Margot’s with so many pregnancy essential vitamins and minerals.
Are you still here?! My story is a long one! Fast forward to now.
I am sitting at pre baby weight less than 6 months after the birth of Margot which is INCREDIBLE for me. Breastfeeding is not my weight loss friend. It took 5 months for me to see a drop on the scales after the initial post baby loss.
I didn’t once throw in the towel though, I will admit to being disheartened on some days, peeved on others!
But this is my life now. I eat well because I have learned to respect my body. I only get one shot at this life and eating rubbish isn’t good for us. We all know it. I knew it before I started my Lose Baby Weight journey but I didn’t take any notice of the facts.
I think the reason for this was that I didn’t realise there was an alternative that didn’t involve me feeling hungry all the time, or making ridiculous restrictions on my diet.
lose baby weight
I had tried a million times to lose weight over the years. I have survived on Mars bars, I have lived on liquid, I have popped duromine, I have boiled up cabbage, I have cut out all carbs, fat, protein, red food, green food, I have drunk hideous for you ‘shakes’. You name it I have tried it. With initial success yes, long term no. The weight crept straight back on as soon as I stopped and I felt crabby and nasty doing them all.
Lose Baby Weight encourages you to EAT, I was super skeptical when I first worked out my calorie target for the day but I took the leap of faith and stuck to the program and low and behold those 15kgs were gone in no time and the best bit was that I felt AMAZING!!
Not tired or irritable or fragile but full of energy, alive and for once in my life body confident.
The Healthy Mummy has changed my life. I am no longer the girl with the excuses to not go out and enjoy life, the one who suffered debilitating anxiety and regular panic attacks. I am this amazing butterfly who loves her life and lives it with no worries (well far fewer, I am still a woman after all!)
If you have been looking for a sign to get started on a new healthier and happier you then this is it.
Take back the control, do something for you.
If I can do it, you can too.
Rae xxx
Enter your details below to get your FREE Budget Meal Recipe sampler from our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge which is created especially for busy mums.

*By clicking Submit you agree to receive emails from The Healthy Mummy (we don’t spam and we don’t sell email addresses to third parties.)

Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge

Mums lose an average of 4-6kg* (8-13 pounds*) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots more results and you can join here too
Ash Lost 20kgs* with the 28 Day Challenge 
Lose Baby Wwight-20kg Loss
Ash says: “It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!!
I’m a busy mum of three boys 5 and under. My partner works away so it’s my children and I by ourselves most of the time. So my time is very limited and I thought that the Challenge would be exactly that – a challenge.
BUT all the meals are already planned out for me, they take 10min max to prepare and even less time to eat them because they are soooooo delish that they don’t last long on my plate.
Even my fussy eating children love them!!!”
Join now
You won’t regret it!