Mum of 2 Helen Rameka has come on board to help motivate and inspire us all throughout April. Helen has already lost an amazing 7kgs following the Lose Baby Weight plans and 28 Day Weightloss Challenges.
“I have lost 7kgs this year and am absolutely loving the delicious food from the 28 Day Weightloss Challenge.
I have learnt so much while starting the challenges, I am now not afraid to try new foods. Foods I never knew existed! Cooking and trying new recipes have never been more enjoyable”
“Hi, my name is Helen and I am one of the Motivating Mums for April. I am a stay at home mum to two energetic boys 3yo and 19 months. I am 163cm tall and currently weigh 85kgs.
Pre pregnancy I was 65kg, trying to get involved in as much as I could plus full time work. I was at the gym 6 days a week, playing netball 3 times a week and touch once a week. I was fit, strong and living life to the fullest.
My Lose Baby Weight journey started on Sept 2013. I ordered the 28 day diet and exercise plan and intended to start straight after my youngster was born, it was a very exciting moment. After the birth resulted in yet another caesarean section, I was deflated, depressed and not mentally prepared for the upcoming lifestyle change I was about to tackle.
But I drove straight in anyway weighing 103kg. As you may have already guessed, it failed as I was not mentally or physically ready to start anything besides getting use to the fact I now have two babies!!
I tried many times to get back onto The Healthy Mummy and Lose Baby Weight bandwagon and kept failing… I couldn’t figure out why I kept dropping the ball. Again I wasn’t ready, mentally and emotionally. In April 2013, my partner was offered a job living 900kms north of Perth. So we made the move to the Mid-West, Carnarvon (banana country). No friends, no family, a strange unfamiliar country town, I spiralled down and fell into depression without even realising it for over a year.
Then I found the Lose Baby Weight Private Support Group. Just watching and reading all the amazing, successful and motivating stories. I was inspired! I knew I had to prepare myself for the upcoming challenge ahead to kick this weight! It took me a while to pipe up and post or comment; it was a great step for me. Of course it set my confidence back to zero as the post quickly went down the page. So instead of posting again I continued to read and watch which motivated me more and more.
Learning all the little things, those that are a major factor in weight loss, drinking enough water, knowing how many calories to eat and snacks. Who knew I could snack? Even yummy snacks at that! Losing 11kg over a period of 6 months.
We moved back to Perth and my fiancé started FIFO 2/1. I was enjoying the 28 day diet and exercise plan with two healthy mummy smoothies a day plus doing the DVD as often as I could. I was losing weight! Yay it was finally happening! I was feeling fantastic and energetic it was great. Losing an awesome 15kgs (started again at 92kg) in 3 months!! I had a gym to go to, friends and family to help and support me on my journey! Feeling on top of the world!
4 months of being in Perth my partner had been promoted and asked to permanently stay in Carnarvon again. I agreed to move back, knowing I was going to be alone with next to no support and no gym. (Fiancé works 12-16 hours a day)It was the right thing to do. I was ok, I had to be, I would work through it…I couldn’t. I didn’t. I hit a plateau and couldn’t get past it. I quickly headed back to where I was. I gained back what I had lost and more. I was a mess. I started smoking (disgusting, I know), stopped eating and exercising. Unhealthy weight loss. I made every excuse under the sun.
Jan 2015 I made a plan to get back up and stop feeling sorry for myself. “New Year, New Me”. I gave up smoking first, in turn made me gain more weight as I started eating more, snacking. But I didn’t give up, I knew it would happen. I started walking again 3 times a week and easing my way back into exercise and healthy eating. Again back to 92kg.
Now March 2015, I have been smoke free since Feb 1st, lost 7kgs this year and absolutely loving the delicious food from the 28 Day Weightloss Challenge.
I have learnt so much while starting the challenges, I am now not afraid to try new foods. Foods I never knew existed! Cooking and trying new recipes have never been more enjoyable. The March Challenge has been just that, a challenge. But I kicked it and ready to kick it harder in the April Challenge.
Now getting even more support through the off months with ongoing Challenges is even better! I’m excited to get myself moving again and to inspire and motivate you all as previous Motivating Mums have inspired and motivated me. If you haven’t already signed up, do it here you won’t regret it!
The point to my life story – everyone falls, life has its ups and downs. As hard as it is to pick yourself up again, never give up! One of many favourite quotes – “All progress take place outside your comfort zone. Find it, now leave it”.
-Dear Past, thank you for the lessons. Dear Future, I’m ready! – Whose with me?!
Helen ”
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here