Hi my name is Tawhai, I am 30 years old and have a beautiful little girl who is turning 3 soon and I have lost 41.5kgs with Lose Baby Weight.
Lose Baby Weight-41.5kg Loss
My journey with Lose Baby Weight started in mid-August last year. My Fiancée and I had booked our wedding and I knew I had to lose weight to feel good on the day. Also so I could lead a healthier fitter life and be a good role model for our daughter.
I was browsing through my Facebook news feed and saw a post on a page I like, it was about the Lose Baby Weight 28 Day September Challenge.
I had a look at the website and knew I had found what I needed to help me lose the weight that had piled on. I signed up straight away.
I have struggled with my weight all my adult life and now looking back I think I would fall of the wagon because A) I had to cut out food groups B) I was hungry a lot.
With Lose Baby Weight you don’t have either of these problems.
For instance if you want a sweet sugary treat swap it for one of the many delicious sweet treats in the Challenge Hub or free recipes on the website. You do not have to go without.
I am never hungry following the meal plans, the food is nutritious and helps keep me fuller for longer.  It’s so fantastic eating great tasting food and losing weight.
My daughter has food allergies and sensory issues with some foods and I haven’t had any problems customising the meal plans to suit her, the recipes are delicious, quick and easy.
When I started in mid-August I purchased The Healthy Mummy Smoothies and started using them, I also started introducing exercise back in my life before the September Challenge started.
Lose Baby Weight- Challenge
I was so nervous starting the Challenge but excited as well, I lost 4.2kgs and have steadily lost weight since. I have lost a total of 41.5kgs so far and have gone from a Size 18/20 to a Size 12-I feel like a different person!!!!!
My fitness is so much better, I use to be a couch potato. Literally sit down all day tired and miserable.
Now I get cranky if I don’t exercise – never thought that would ever happen.
The Challenge exercises are great because you can build up your fitness over time and also modify for health issues etc.
I love running around and playing with my daughter which I didn’t do before being so overweight, I would just sit and watch. She will do bicep curls with little weights or try and do squats because she sees Mummy doing them, I love that Lose Baby Weight is helping my whole family.
It’s not always easy but this lifestyle change is the best thing I have ever done. I will continue doing the 28 Day Challenges long after I reach my goal weight. Because the recipes and exercises are so good!
Now 9 months down the track I can’t wait to have photos taken at our wedding and I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. If you have a lot of weight to lose and a little just take it one day at a time and you will reach your goal!!!!
Twahai xxx

Take part in the 28 Day Challenge

Don’t delay – join literally THOUSANDS of mums on the challenge with us who lose an average of 4-6kg (8 – 13 pounds) over 28 days – you can read all about it here and see how it works
For over 800 family friendly recipes with daily meal and exercise plans, join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge made especially for BUSY MUMS – plus you do the challenge with tens of thousands of other mums and chat daily – even hourly with them for constant support in our private group.

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