The fantastic Natalie Gallagher has lost an amazing 27kgs with Lose Baby Weight and shares her end of month Motivating Mum for July update – plus reviews our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
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Well it’s officially the end of the 28 Day Challenge (boooo), but I’m excited and proud to say that I achieved my Challenge goal which was to crack it into the 80s!
This morning when I jumped on the scales (two sets actually, which showed a variation of 200g, so I’ll go with the heavier just to be safe) I weighed 87.4kg. Which brings my weight loss total for the Challenge to 5.7kg and my overall weight loss total since January to 27kg!! I would say the last time I was at this weight was in my mid teens and I am feeling fitter and stronger than I can ever remember.
Being a Canberra girl, braving a cold and bitter Winter, it’s the time of year I find myself looking for warm and hearty food, because really, there’s nothing better than rugging up and tucking into a nice hearty stew or a piece of apple pie with custard! But as we know, with this kind of food a high fat and/or sugar content usually follows.
Well imagine my excitement when I say that this Winter I have still been able to do this and lose weight! I’ve learnt so much about portion control and replacing a variety of ingredients with healthier alternatives through the Lose Baby Weight plans, and I can tell you the Apple Crumble from the Guilt Free Chocolate and Baking Cookbook served with a dollop of Greek yogurt is so tasty and easy to whip up and contains far less calories than your average apple crumble or pie.
The food throughout the 28 DayChallenge has been amazing, and I take my hat off to the Lose Baby Weight team who created the menus. There were so many yummy recipes perfect for Winter, and while I didn’t try everything on the menus, I can honestly say that everything I did try was filling and tasty and quick to prepare – what more can a busy mum ask for! I can’t wait to join the next one here
The chatter in the Healthy Mummy & Lose Baby Weight Private Support Facebook Group this month has been both inspiring and motivational. I’ve loved hearing food and exercise tips from a number of you ladies, as well as hearing about your losses, whether they be kgs, cms, dress sizes or just bad habits.
It’s important to celebrate our victories no matter how small or large they are because every achievement is getting us each closer to our goals. There have also been a few posts from ladies who have “fallen off the wagon” during the challenge and so many lovely encouraging replies from other mums. It’s comforting to know that there are so many other mums facing similar challenges in losing weight, and the level of support you give to each other is amazing.
I mentioned in my last blog that in the first half of July I had been out to a few social events and a family holiday which had impacted on my healthy eating choices, and in the second half of July I had a couple more, including a date night at the movies with my husband (which involved some popcorn and a choc top). In the past, these occurrences might have led to a continuing eating binge, but not surprisingly these indulgences haven’t impacted on my weight loss because my mind set has changed and I’ve broken so many of my bad habits. I won’t feel guilty for indulging; I prefer to enjoy my treats in moderation and then continue on with my healthy eating choices. So ladies, when you fall off the wagon… it’s ok! Dust yourself off and get back on and keep going.
With the next 28 Day Challenge starting on 1 September (the first day of Spring scarily enough). I am still clinging to my mantra that Summer bodies are made in Winter and plan to keep the momentum I’ve gained during the Winter 28 Day Challenge through to the end of Winter! I know you ladies will be planning the same, and I hope to see heaps more of those food and exercise posts, because they certainly help keep me motivated.
Oh, and the slightly squeezy size 14 jeans that I mentioned I had bought in my last blog… I’ve started wearing them!
Til next time…
Natalie x
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And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge here