My name is Laura and I am a Lose Baby Weight Motivating Mum. In 9 months I have lost 34 kilos by following the Lose Baby Weight plans and using their products.
I started my weight loss journey on Lose Baby Weight when I was 116 kilos after getting close to 130 kilos full term with my son.
When starting your weight loss journey weighing over 100 kilos most of us (except the super tall!) would be considered in the obese BMI category. It’s important to make sure that you consider a few things when beginning. You want to make sure you don’t put your body into starvation mode, injure yourself or give up quickly from feeling de-motivated, after all when you have upwards of 20 kilos to lose it really is a marathon not a sprint and you don’t want to lose steam early and give up.
First things first; work out how many calories you should be eating using the Lose Baby Weight calculator.
It’s important that you don’t fall into the trap of a 1200 calorie diet as many other plans suggest, eating too few calories like this puts your body into starvation mode and will slow down your metabolism making it near impossible to lose weight. A diet on limited calories like this also can leave you feeling very hungry and if you are hungry you are likely to give up and make poor food choices. You can read more about understanding calories here. On The Lose Baby Weight plans you should never be hungry. There are many free apps on the market to help you track your calories which is a useful tool early on, alternatively following one of the many plans or 28 Day challenges Lose Baby Weight have to offer will do this, just add in a couple of extra snacks or adjust your meals as suggested so that you are eating enough.
It’s important to consider the types of exercise you should be doing in the early days of a weight loss program. Carrying extra weight puts additional pressure on your joints and starting out with low impact exercise is vital to help prevent injury. Things like walking, cycling, swimming and The Healthy Mummy DVD are all great low impact exercises. The length of time you exercise also plays a role in exercising safely. I started out with 15 – 20 minute workouts a few times a week and built from there, the Healthy Mummy DVD was perfect for this as it is broken into small, achievable segments and catered to my beginner level ability and as I got fitter and stronger grew with me, it is one of the single best exercise items I have ever bought.
Motivation when there is a lot of weight to lose can be a big factor in whether you are able to reach your weight loss goals. I decided not to concentrate on the huge number of kilos I needed to lose and instead focused on 5 kilo goals, rewarding myself with something little and non-food based as I got there. I wrote these goals down and really focused on the small goal rather than the big weight loss number. I would buy an item of clothing in the next size down so I could visually picture the size I wanted to be and it was a reward in itself when I reached that. I also had a motivation board with pictures of myself at certain weights, it has been so encouraging when I have been able to look like these pictures again.
Be realistic when starting out. Thinking that you are going to lose 50 kilos in 3 months is just setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Safe weight loss is considered between 500 grams – 1 kilo per week, sometimes you may lose more and sometimes less, I’ve had weeks where I’ve lost none, the important thing is that you don’t give up. Taking body measurements is also a great way to track your progress as well as weight loss isn’t always measured in numbers on a scale but in centimetres too, taking regular pictures is a great way to see your progress.
I would like to say to all you beautiful Mamas that are starting out over 100 kilos, don’t let the number dishearten you or define you. I’ve been there and I know what it feels like and can tell you now that a positive attitude, determination and a plan will help you achieve your weight loss goals xx
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here