Motivating Mum Jade Shaw has lost an amazing 21kgs in 5 months with Lose Baby Weight and talks about keeping it real and reflecting on the bigger picture.
This months blog I want to talk about “Keeping it Real and reflecting on the bigger picture”
When I started my weight loss journey I had all these high expectations that I was going to lose 1-2 kilos a week and that I would be at goal weight in no time. The reality is that weight loss isn’t easy and it’s not going to happen over night.
At first I saw this a “Diet” and it’s wasn’t until I got my head around it all that I realised it wasn’t at all a diet and once I got to goal weight I could just kick the healthy eating it was in actual fact a “Life style change”. I love reflecting back on how my thought process was when I first started Lose Baby Weight till now 5 months on. I love my new found lifestyle and I would wouldn’t change it. I love the plans, the healthy mummy smoothies and the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges
I think that we are our own worst critics and expect to much of ourselves at times. I know I have been so hard on myself when my scales haven’t moved some weeks or hasn’t moved as much as I would of liked them to. Somtimes focusing on the scales can impact on us mentally and also emotionally and instead of thinking of the bigger picture we focus on the moment we are in. Somtimes we need to reflect on the bigger picture like how far you have come and how good you feel with you lifestyle change and reflect back on how you used to feel.
Some Monday mornings when I jump on the scales to do my weekly weigh in I used to get this big feeling of disappointment because I had worked my butt off that week to see a gain or no lose at all on the scales. I have now got myself into a place where I don’t let myself get disappointed because the bigger picture is I have lost 21 kilos and to me that is an absolutely amazing effort and I also think about how negative the old me was and how bad I felt and how low my confidence was. The new me is so positive, happy, fit, strong, healthy, confident and most of all I’m a positive role model to my daughter.
I want you to get up and stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself what you like about the new you and if you are just starting out I want you to name a few positives about yourself!
Then I want you to repeat this every single day until you believe in yourself.
Jade Shaw
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