Hi Mummies- Elle Temple here and I have lost 24kg With Lose Baby Weight.
Exercise is a vital part of keeping healthy, it can be a great way to relieve stress and boost endorphins. Not to mention the fantastic benefits it provides for weight loss and toning the body.
Lose Baby Weight-24kg Loss
Running is one of the most effective ways to burn calories, build fitness and its free!
Running is a perfect way to get out of the house for some fresh air and boost your mood. Here is my story and some tips on how to start and keep running.

28_day_challengeIn the beginning

When my son was 8 weeks old I embarked on my healthy mummy journey with lose baby weight.
Walking was a great gentle way to ease into exercising and was something I could commit to at least every second day, it was great to build up my fitness and heal my body post pregnancy.
As the weeks went on I was ready to challenge myself, I always dreamed of being one of those people that could run. The truth is there was only one way to do this and it was by starting small. Aiming to run 500m without stopping was my first goal.
Now I have more experience with running my tips to starting are:
SLOW down, your aim isn’t to run quick, it is to run steadily for as long as you can. This may feel like you are getting nowhere to begin with but it doesn’t take long to build up fitness and increase distances.
FOCUS on your breathing, breathing in and out at a relaxed rate will help your lungs receive the air you need. Fast, uncontrolled breathing can lead to stitch and fatigue.
PERSIST! Running 5km doesn’t happen overnight, set yourself a realistic aim of how often you will run. I found telling myself to walk/jog/run every day was unrealistic and unnecessary, every 2 days was suitable for me and my lifestyle, but do what is attainable for yourself to do.

ResultsSetting goals

Soon my fitness level began to increase and before I knew it I was running a few KM without stopping!
Every few weeks I was running a little longer and a little easier. Signing up to fun runs is a great way to encourage and motivate you to a certain goal by a certain date.
Some things I learnt along the way…

  • Aim to increase no more than 10% distance each week to prevent injury.
  • Make sure you have running shoes suited to you that provide good support.
  • Avoid caffeine before running- this can cause the need for urgent loo stops along the way.
  • Hydrate before, during and after.
  • Stretch after each run whilst your muscles are still warm, this can prevent soreness and injury.

Long distance running

After a year of learning to run (and losing 24kg!), I completed my first half marathon!
There are lots of different techniques of training for the half marathon distance.
I found making sure I had 3-4 runs per week including a 5km run (as fast as possible), 5-10km at an easy pace and a long run 18km+.
For longer distance running (90 minutes and over) it is important to trial different fuelling foods- this is such an individual thing, but generally low GI carbs and natural sugars are suitable for most people.
One of my favourites are the peanut butter fudge bars which contain healthy carbs and natural sugars for an energy boost and low carb rehydration drinks ( the less processed the better! ).
The healthy mummy smoothies are packed with vitamins and protein to assist with recovery of muscles post exercise and keep the body functioning at its best, I swear by them!
I hope you find these tips useful !
My new goal for this year is to run another half marathon with a quicker finishing time, if I can do this, anyone can !
Good luck ladies, get running!
Love Elle Temple

Take part in the 28 Day Challenge

Don’t delay – join literally THOUSANDS of mums on the challenge with us who lose an average of 4-6kg (8 – 13 pounds) over 28 days – you can read all about it here and see how it works
For over 800 family friendly recipes with daily meal and exercise plans, join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge made especially for BUSY MUMS – plus you do the challenge with tens of thousands of other mums and chat daily – even hourly with them for constant support in our private group.

Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge

Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of more results and you can join here too
Lizzie lost 10kg (22 pounds) on 3 Challenges
Lizzie says: “The food is delicious and very easy to make. The recipes are very simple and don’t require a lot of ingredients.
I love that the menu plan for the week is all worked out and it can be customised to suit your family and the ingredients you may have on hand”  Join here
Eliza lost 22kg (48 pounds) on 4 Challenges
Eliza says “I started in September with my first 28 Day Weightloss Challenge. I lost 8 kg that month. So far I have lost 22 kg. But it is what I have gained which will make me a supporter for life! Join here
Ashley has lost 22kg (48 pounds) on 4 rounds
Ashley says “To date I have now lost over 22kg since starting with the 28 Day Challenges.  Back in September I never thought I would be where I am now in a short six months.” Join here
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