Motivating mum Carmen Chong Nee has lost 20kgs – 17.7 of those kg’s have been lost using the 28 Day Weightloss Challenges. Today she is sharing her top 5 tips for how she stays on track while losing baby weight.
“Hi Lovely Healthy Mummy’s!
I started on the September Challenge at 109.3 kg and now weigh 91.6kg. 3 weeks down with this month’s 28 Day Challenge and one to go! My goal is to see the 80’s by the end!
The scales haven’t dropped as much as I had hoped they would but with news of my prolapse I guess that was to be expected. I can still see changes in my photos though which to me is way more important and a much better indicator of change in my size than any number on the scales. I am kicking myself for not buying a new tape measure yet (kids lost my old one).
This week has been a bit of a crazy one and I haven’t stuck to my plan, my choices of food have all been healthy, but I haven’t eaten near enough, some days I hadn’t had breakfast until midday and tonight was dinner at 8.30pm, my water intake has been low, workouts have been missed and it’s just all been a bit sloppy. Now “a goal without a plan is really just a wish”, so here’s my tips for how I am going to see those 80’s come the end of the 28 day weightloss challenge!
Make sure my meal plan is done and all ready to go Saturday so I can have the house all stocked and ready to go come Monday. (Thank you 28day challenge and your customisable menu for making this so EASY, providing a shopping list too) and STICK TOO IT, will keep a visual diary of meals for the week to make sure I’m staying on track!
Have 3 x 1 liter bottles of water in my fridge at all times, no excuses not to have water when its on hand so easily.
Be Organised
Monday = Baking and prep day. Prep what I can in advance and bake any snacks needed for meal plan for the week.
Go to bed no later than 9.30pm every night, sleep is so important! This way I have no excuses not to wake up for my morning workout! Just GET IT DONE!
Get active
Fit in lots of incidental Exercise into my day.
All about going back to basics for me. Here’s for an awesome week! Hopefully come end of the challenge I will be able to post up an 80’s pic in the support group! Keep an eye out!
Carmen xo”
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