Hi! My name is Alicia and I one of your motivating mums for August in the Healthy Mummy Losing Big Numbers Support Group. I am so grateful to be a part of this group and hopefully I can share my story and my healthy mummy experience so far to inspire other mums who are daunted by the task of losing big numbers on the scales.
I’m a 34 year old mum of a 14 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. I have an amazingly supportive husband who is my biggest supporter. He was totally on board with my decision to lose weight and has lost almost 20kg himself.
From around 6 years of age I was always overweight. In college with some healthy eating and exercise, I was able to be within a healthy BMI. When I was 20 I became pregnant with my first child. I thought this was license to eat anything and everything in sight. In hindsight I wish someone was there next to me, slapping every unhealthy food choice out of my hands. I put on over 30kg during this pregnancy.
Towards the end I was so down about my weight. I had every intention of losing the weight after the birth, but diet after diet, I never found anything that worked.
Between the birth of my son and the birth of my daughter, almost 9 years later, I had put on another 10kg. I was much better in my second pregnancy and only put on 4kg. After I gave birth I was at my pre-birth weight pretty quickly. This was mainly due to the fact that I developed Gestational Diabetes and was placed on a strict diet. It was pointed out so many times during this pregnancy that women who develop gestational diabetes have a pretty high chance of type 2 diabetes. This was a really scary prospect. I knew I have to take back control of my health, but I had no idea where to start.
We all know that quite often our second child is nothing like our first. This was so true in my case. My first child was a fabulous eater, sleeper and an all-round good baby. My daughter was the total opposite. She didn’t feed properly, survived on very little sleep and was a very unsettled baby. This sent me into another spiral of bad eating. So by the time she was 4 years old, I had gained another 10kg. This brought me to a total of 50kg I had gained since meeting my husband in 1999.
So here I was, weighing in at just over 120kg when I should have been in the prime of my life. Instead I was a miserable, self-conscious and extremely embarrassed of what I had allowed myself to become. I knew that I had to do something, I just felt like I was trapped and nothing was ever going to work for me.
I started seeing the posts of one of my Facebook friends of her results using The Healthy Mummy 28 day weight loss Challenges and Smoothies. I was totally amazed by her success and to be honest I was totally jealous. I so desperately wanted this to be me. I thought about joining for a few months and as I would go to sign up and then I would talk myself out of it.
On one of my most vulnerable days I thought what the heck Alicia? What have you got to lose? And I so I joined my first ever 28 Day Challenge.
I was scared and oh so nervous. What if I fail? What if I hate it? Am I wasting my time and money? But at the same time I had a great desire to put myself first for a change and make this change not only for me, but for my family. My children deserve to have a happy and healthy mum, who can be a role model with a healthy lifestyle.
I was determined and committed to make a change. The big difference this time was that I would tell people about it. I knew that if I spoke about wanting to make a change it would keep me more accountable. In a way I wanted to show them that I could do it. And you know what? I have!
Since Day 1 of my first challenge in June 2015, I have lost 38kg! I still need to pinch myself every morning when I wake up. I honestly feel like a different person. I have gone from a size 22 (borderline 24) to a size 16 (just venturing into 14 now). I feel confident and so happy with my progress so far. There are no more tears when I go clothes shopping anymore. I can actually find clothes that fit and flatter my new body. I still have a way to go but I know I will get there.
The Healthy Mummy is a new way of living not a diet. I am proud to have made these changes for me and my family. Remember that you are worth looking after. You deserve to be happy and feel comfortable in your skin. No more excuses! We all have busy lives. It’s all about balance and making time to become happier and healthier people. Only you can take control of your life. Do it now! What have you go to lose?
For those who are just starting their journeys I wish you the best of luck on this new path. You won’t regret it! Some days are harder than others, nothing always goes to plan. But remember we are all here to support you every step of the way. There may be times you fall off the wagon, but the difference between those who succeed and those who fail is having the courage to get back on again!
I am so excited for the August 28 Day weigh loss Challenge and I am looking forward to hearing about your progress! This month is ours ladies, we’ve got this!