Hi, I am a 22 yr old mother of 2 with Type one diabetes. I have struggled with the control of my diabetes since being diagnosed at age 14. After gaining almost 30kg after the birth on my first child at age 19 my diabetes was outrageously radical and my confidence/self value was at an all time low.
I tried very hard by myself to loose weight as I could not find any diet companies that would even sign me up because of either breastfeeding/diabetes.
My GP & diabetic educator did send me to a few dieticians however this did not help much as I was feed information but not really provided any acceptance.
It wasn’t until about one year after the birth of my second child that I discovered Lose Baby Weight on facebook and after signing up for there newsletters started reading about the BREASTFEEDING FRIENDLY, LOW GI weight lose programs/products!
I have lost 8kg and 2-4 dress sizes over 2/3 months and I’m feeling great! My diabetes is the best its ever been and because of the motivation the pedometer created I now do ZUMBA every week and (although never believing that I could enjoy running on a treat mill) look forward to running to the beet of my ipod almost every other day.
I still have a few more kg’s to go, but I’m feeling good and unlike before ‘loose your baby weight’ I have faith in myself!
Sincerely Mel Bobeldyk
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine.
And don’t forget to check out our current promotions and discounts page to see what specials we have on this week on our Healthy Mummy product range