lose_baby_weightHi Lose Baby Weight, thanks to Facebook I found out about your the Healthy Mummy Smoothie products and pregnancy weight loss plans.
I’m to be a MOH to my sister inlaw’s wedding in December, I gave birth to my (3rd) baby boy late February and by September started to panic that I wouldn’t be able to fit into my dress!
Thanks to the Healthy Mummy Smoothies I’ve lost a kg a week and I need not worry about my milk supply at all.
So thank you and here’s my favourite weekday smoothie; no peeling, no chopping, no cleaning up, great breakfast on the run as I rush rush out the door in the morning for school drop offs 🙂

  • 2 cubes of Breakfast flavor Creative Gourmet Smoothie cubes (there are two other flavors but this is my favorite!)
  • Glass of milk (I use lite soy milk or lite milk)
  • 2 x tbsp of the healthy mummy vanilla smoothie
  • Handful of ice cubes

Blend and Enjoy! From Char Angel

Lose Baby Weight- Challenge
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here