Marissa We recently had a Live Q & A segment on our Private Support Group with Fitness Expert Marissa Nieves who has created the exercise component for the July 28 Day Weightloss Challenge.
Here is a summary of the Live Q &A for you all to read through- Marissa has shared some great tips from the benefits of HIIT workouts to the importance of active rest days.
Q. What is HIIT training- would you be able to explain that a little for us?
A. High Intensity Intermittent Training (HIIT) is interval based training where heart rate is increased for only a few minutes at a time, then is followed by shorter rest periods. The quick interval provides all kinds of benefits from increased weight loss to reduced blood pressure and cholesterol
Q. Thoughts on exercising when sick? Yay or nay?
A. When the body is sick is needs more rest than on an average day.. so great question! If you feel up to working out, you could go for a nice slow-moderate walk or do some of your favourite low impact exercises. Refraining from high intensity or cardiovascular training is not a bad idea to allow your immune system the energy to fight the illness
Q. I have a ganglion in my left wrist which gives me no strength at all in that hand what exercises do you recommend that will have the same sort of results as push-ups and ones that require use of the wrist?
A. You are so right! Push ups tend to cause the most irritation for ganglions. You could do your push ups on the wall using a wrist band or soft pillow for cushioning. As an alternative, the Bridge with Reverse Fly exercise works very similar muscle groups and shouldn’t cause as much tension in the wrist
Q. I don’t find alot of free time to exercise when bubs isn’t jumping all over me, is doing 2 x 10-20min sessions a day enough? Sometimes i do a relaxed workoht and one with weights and hard work out
A. Yes that sounds good. You may like to ensure you get your heart rate up in both circuits and to add some resistance exercises to it. In the challenges, you will see both HIIT exercises and strength exercises in the same circuits for more efficient training. If you are doing both, this should be great!
Q. I’m wondering what exercises would be the best to tone the tummy in particular?
A. Pilates exercises are the best in the Challenge for core building and every single exercise in Pilates targets the tummy, I wonder if you may also have access to the Belly Buster Challenge? This challenge was created specifically to help target the tummy with informative videos and tailored workouts
Q. I’m having trouble tightening my core with the exercises. Do you have any tips for me to do this. I’m trying to be coordinated and doing the movements properly and tighten my core in the beginning but then I just loose it during the move?
A. This is very common post pregnancy. If you feel you can, you could actually perform some of the Pilates exercises outside of your workouts to help you to strengthen your core more effectively. You should then find as you continue with HIIT it is easier to connect and contract the area
Q. With the rounds of the challenge exercises is it ok to space them out during the day or would it be better to do them all at the same time?
A. We totally understand that time is a factor and although the Challenge exercises create the most efficient workout together, yes you can absolutely break them up and do 1 round of exercises at a time and do this 3 times per day
Q. I’m wanting to increase my running and only have 1 rest day on a Sunday but was told that its bad. Thoughts?
A. Your rest day is so important, especially if you are running which puts a higher strain on the muscles and joints. You could use the higher intensity exercises from the Challenge to lift your game but if you just love running and don’t want to shake it, you could try performing some shorter bursts (medium paced sprints) with a slog jog in between so you are still getting the interval workouts. You can actually increase your power and performance and efficiency of running without even increasing your time running
Q. Are rest days very important? Im in such a good habit of working out every day and feel lazy if i dont do anything
A. I can’t say enough about rest days. I just love them! It is so important to allow the muscles time to relax and it is during your rest time that your muscles do most of their repair, toning and tightening! Sometimes I will add a walk at a nature trail or a swim at the beach into my off day so it doesn’t feel so relaxed. I love the idea of the active recovery day that the Healthy Mummy provides
Q. Tight calf muscles- is there a way to develop deeper squats? I am stretching regularly and not progressing much. Really I can hardly feel a stretch in my calves
A. Stretching is going to be super important for you. Try a seated hamstring stretch with bent knees when your body is warm after a workout or shower. You could also alternate your squats with sumo squats which target more the inside of the leg and/or stick to floor exercises for your legs and gluteus (ie. bridge/leg circles and lifts) for now
Q. What should our target HR be for working out? I have tried the C25K programme several times but I’m so unfit my HR shoots up to 170+ when I run and makes me feel ill. I’m guessing this will just improve as I get fitter? But it is somewhat off putting
A. For sure, this may improve over time. A simple method to predict your body’s maximum working heart rate is to take 220 and minus from it your age (ie. for me it would be 220-33) but your body will tell you first if you are pushing it a little hard. If you are feeling anything but wonderfully challenged during your workouts, pull back a little and work within the limits you feel comfortable with. You will find your body will thank you in the long run
Q. I’ve been training 5 days a week for 13 mths now with the past 7 mths heavy weight lifting and more strength and conditioning type training and I have put of 6 kilos and gained a great deal of size as after reaching my goal weight 6 months ago 54 kilos I now no longer fit any of my clothes and feel bulky and large and I don’t like it. Should I cut back on weights and increase cardio stick to my calories of 1600 as per bmr calculator and macros will I loose size seeing as I have quite a lot of muscle atm?? I’m apparently at 15% body fat but I have quite big legs and I prefer being thin and agile as I previously got it?
A. I know how you feel and have been there myself! If you feel comfortable that you have the good muscular base you were after, yes you could reduce the weights and use a more balanced program. The Challenge workouts and meal plans are carefully calculated to ensure the balance is created between cardio, resistance and caloric intake so they may be perfect for helping you reach your desired shape
Q. Dealing with muscle soreness after exercise – any tips about the best ways to avoid this or help soothe the pain?
A. Our recovery time is so important and there are so many things we can do to reduce post exercise muscle soreness. Stretching is of course no. 1 and doing it following a shower when your body is still warm can be great! I also love epsom salt baths and increasing electrolytes from coconut water. Hydration is also key for the cells to replenish
Q. What do you think is the best form of exercise to burn fat fast? From past experience fasted cardio- esp walking on an incline has worked for me and I’ve read a few ladies here say the same. I have about 20kg to lose as fast as possible! What would you recommend (besides challenge exercises obviously)? And what are your thoughts on fasted cardio?
A. Yes certainly for me also, we used to use a great deal of heavy cardio to lose body fat. These days we are finding more and more scientific information showing us that interval training is key to losing body fat at a faster rate. It is important to get the heart rate up just for a shorter period of time and then slow it down to a rest. You could use some of the HIIT aerobic exercises from the Challenge and create a higher intensity workout for yourself. Short and sweet workouts seem to be winning the weightloss race these days
Q. I’ve just started running and struggling with sore knees. Is there a best way of taping them, or certain exercises to strengthen so they don’t get so sore?
A. Thank you for wanting to look after you knees! smile emoticon They need so much care. Running is higher impact and can create more strain on the joints than other exercises. Yes you can absolutely tape them to help with patella positioning and to provide support (you may like to have a physiotherapist or trainer help you with this the first time). Leg lifts can be wonderful supportive exercises also for strengthening the VMO which supports the knees and you may like to opt to run-on grass or sand instead of road or pathways to provide more cushioning for the joints
We hope that you enjoyed the Q&A with Marissa and find her tips and advice useful
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