Today we meet Lisa Sayer who has lost over 11 kilograms using the Healthy Mummy Smoothies and 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan and now wants to share her fantastic results with the Lose Baby Weight community.
Well done Lisa!
My name is Lisa Sayer and so far I have lost 11.1kgs over 13 weeks. After my second baby was born in February 2013 I realised that I had put on over 25kgs in 3 years.
Following the birth I quickly lost 5 kgs but then the weight loss stopped. I was unhappy with the way I looked and felt about myself. I decided it was time to do something about it and get back to my pre-baby weight. I had seen advertisements on Facebook for Lose Baby Weight and decided I would give it a go.
My progress has been steady and I love the healthy mummy smoothies and 28 day plan food as it doesn’t feel like you are on a diet. It gives you the tools to help you along the way.
I love reading the daily emails and continually check the Lose Baby Weight website for new and wonderful recipe ideas that my whole family enjoys. I find it hard to fit in the exercise but have made it another goal to fit more in on a daily basis. I still have 8.9kgs to get to my goal but I can see the finish in my sight and then look forward to maintaining it.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my story as I have enjoyed reading other mums motivational stories.’
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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