Hi Everyone,
My name is Lauren Pepper and I am a mum to a beautiful little girl Scarlett, a wife and work part time. Just like you all, life is busy. My daughter is 11 months old and I started on the Healthy Mummy diet back in April this year and have now lost over 10kg.
I started the Healthy Mummy diet as I got to the point that I couldn’t stand to look at photos of myself anymore. All I wanted was pictures of me and my baby and that’s when I came across the Lose Baby Weight Facebook page. It grabbed me instantly as it was breastfeeding friendly and everything looked achievable and affordable. It was hard to tell myself ‘it is time and you can do this’ but I got there. You really have to be ready and committed so you’re not setting yourself up to fail.
I started doing the 28 day diet plan (which my husband also enjoyed) and walking every day. My favourite meal was the Beef Kebabs with salad. I felt more energised and found it easier to cope with those bad days, it also helped jumping on the scales weekly and seeing the numbers go down.
Sometimes it was 1 kilo and sometimes only 200gm but it was all a step in the right direction. At week two I started the healthy mummy smoothies and I loved them. I was a bit hesitate to start with, as I had tried other supplement drink in the past and they tasted horrid. They were so tasty and convenient and were such a time saver. My all-time favourite is a Banana Mixed Berry. It is absolutely DELICIOUS! I am going to try some new ones for the month too.
After going through the 28 day diet I was happy. I was losing weight but my mood soon shifted to the dark side and I plateaued. I wasn’t taking my measurement so I couldn’t tell if anything was changing and I stopped exercising. When you lose the motivation it is so hard to get it back. I started moping around and feeling sorry for myself. I started thinking about what I enjoyed doing and some hobbies that I had before becoming a mum. That’s when I remembered, before being a mum I was a gym junkie and that’s when I realised I missed that ‘me’ time. So I joined back to the gym and I go 3-4 times a week and I got my stride back. Scarlett also loves going in the crèche.
I have found the hardest thing for me was kicking my sweet tooth. I love all things sweet and would have chocolate at least once a day plus biscuits or other unhealthy food. I have learnt to say ‘No’ to myself and allow treats like a Healthy Mummy Chocolate treat at the end of a hard day with a Green Tea. It is also funny now, that if I do have a rich cake or too much chocolate I feel sick instantly. So it does get easier. It can be hard to start with but I found just taking one day at a time helped and also worked.
I am now at my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was never comfortable at this weight and could never budge. I also didn’t have the motivation before, but now I want to set a good example for my daughter, with eating well and exercising regularly. So December is the month! Not only will I lose weight but I will prove that Christmas time doesn’t have to be the month were you just expect to gain weight.
December is going to be a very busy time for me as my daughters 1st birthday is 24th December (she was a wonderful early Christmas present). So there are going to be work Christmas parties, friend and family catch ups, the big birthday party and Christmas. I am so excited to share my journey with you all and hope I can help you with this busy festive season.
Keep a look out for my blog as I will be challenging myself with different task for the month.
- Start Weight: 79.9
- Current Weight: 68.5
- Goal Weight: 62
- Breast: 93cm
- Waist: 84cm
- Hips: 104cm
- Thigh: 59cm
- Arm: 30cm
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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