I love the Lose Baby Weight & Healthy Mummy plans and have lost 26kg on these fantastic weight loss plans
I also joined the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and have LOVED it!
I couldn’t believe that something this affordable was so comprehensive! The food plans were so yummy and in true Lose Baby Weight style easy to follow, quick, filling and family friendly.
I was a massive fan of the exercise component, the exercises got me out of my normal routine trying new combinations, got my heart rate up and fit in with my busy life as a mum.
Lastly I loved the layout of the plan, the challenge ‘hub’ was my go to place, it was easy to navigate and was so well presented.
If you missed out on doing the Winter 28 Day challenge I strongly encourage you to try the next one, you won’t regret it!
Well done to the Lose Baby Weight team, you have outdone yourselves.
I’m so happy to have been part of this first challenge and you can consider me signed up for the next years worth!!
Laura Flannagan
Join the 28 Day Challenge here
[pb_vidembed title=”The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Video” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKwlFdXDFUw” type=”yt” w=”580″ h=”485″]