Hi my name is Jodie Moss and I am a mum of Four.
Three in my arms and one in my heart.  I have a 7, 5 ½ year old, my first son would be 2 /12 and my little man is 18 mths old. I am very honoured and humbled to be chosen as your February motivating mum.
So far on the Healthy Mummy smoothies  and Lose Baby Weight plans I have lost 22 kgs, and still have 23 kg to go.
lose baby weight
I have always been a big, but after my two girls I was able to lose weight breastfeeding. I was happy with my 85/90kg weight when I fell pregnant with my third. I wasn’t well, but then put on 20kgs!, when he was stillborn I was shattered and reverted back to comfort eating. Within three months I was pregnant again and comfort eating and put on another 20kgs! Two pregnancies in two years and I out on w huge 40kgs! I was up to 130kg and knew I had to do something for myself but also for my children.
I started my Healthy Mummy smoothies in January 2013. I absolutely loved the strawberry shake (and it still is my favourite flavour).The shakes don’t have that “horrible powder taste” and is safe for Breastfeeding. I found the plans easy to follow and adjust for the kids as well.
By August 2013 I had lost 12 ½ kgs, and was feeling really great. I had started walking and my husband and I completed a fun run in memory of my son to raise money for Stillbirth Australia. It was only 4km but to me that was huge!! I was so proud of myself and knew I could keep going.
In November I had lost 19 kgs. But was struggling …With Birthdays, Christmas and holidays I strayed off my smoothies, But continued mostly healthy eating, so at least maintained my weight (I was so happy not to have put it back on). My huge downfall is chocolate and ice-cream. It’s been so hot I was eating ice-cream each night!!
So back on track I come! I got my smoothies and started the January challenge. So far I have lost 3 kgs and down to 108kgs. I absolutely love my smoothies and have them for breakfast. No more missing breakfast and just having lots of coffee.  Plus great for when I have to take the kids to school in the mornings and it is so busy.  I will have a quick healthy snack midmorning or a coffee and am able to keep going until lunch time.
Most lunch times I have my favourite recipe from the “28 day plan” (page 6) the Bircher muesli. Its delicious, yummy and easy and fills me up. If I feel like a change I add some other fruits. Other days I will have left over salad from the night before and add some tuna or chicken/turkey breast. I still get to have my ice-cream some nights using homemade ice-cream from banana and yoghurt ( will out up link during the week)
I have learnt so much through using the calorie bible and books about how the way we prepare and cook food impacts the fat content and the types of oils and meats and grains that are good for you. I now buy the brown rice, wholemeal pastas and breads.
I often use the basic recipes in the books and change them around to suit my family. If there is something the kids don’t like I will either swap it for another veggie or ingredient, or if it is chilli sauce etc I will put it on last on just the Adults serves.
My goal for this fortnight is to continue with my smoothies and cook some more recipes from the cookbook. I am also going to start walking again. I have to confess I hate exercise so small achievable goals. I will walk two times for 30 min. I love Yoga so will start again. I also love dancing so putting on hi 5 or the wiggles and dancing for half an hr with the kids is an amazing workout. I will let you know how I go I promise not to lie!
Jodie’s Statistics
start         jan 13                             20/1/14
Weight  :  130kg                            108.5kg
Bust          133cm                           125cm
Hips          159cm                          144cm
waist         134cm                          113cm
thighs        76cm                            65cm
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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