Hi all!
My name is Jodie and 1st March was my 32nd birthday. I couldn’t think of a more exciting way to be spending it than becoming one of Lose Baby Weight’s Motivating Mums – and I have now lost over 12kg on the Lose Baby Weight Plans!
Until having my daughter in 2003 I’d always been a consistently average weight. During that pregnancy I put on 15 kgs and managed to lose it all by her second birthday. Fast forward to 2010 and I gave birth to twin boys and I was again, 15 kgs heavier. This time around the weight was more difficult to shift – I felt I just didn’t have the time or energy to give it my all especially when there were two babies to look after.
Since then, the weight has slowly been creeping on until I reached 98 kgs at the end of 2013. My diet was certainly not helping either. I wouldn’t eat breakfast, drank mostly Coke and I would eat junk food all the way up until bed time. Exercise was non-existant, I was tired all the time and I had no energy. When I began to realise that my clothes were no longer fitting or were unflattering, I knew I had do something.
I had been looking at the Lose Baby Weight Healthy Mummy smoothies for around six months and I’d read heaps of the success stories on the website. I got the courage up and bought a starter pack in November 2013 and I haven’t looked back.
I love trying the different dinner recipes from the website and the 28 Day Plan, and the smoothie combinations are endless. The exercise DVD helps me break up my walks on the treadmill and I’m thankful for all the support on the Facebook page.
Since December 2013 I have lost 12 kgs and almost 50 cms. I’ve gone from 98 kgs to 86 kgs. A healthy weight for my height of 168 cms is between 56-71 kgs but my short term goal is 75 kgs. I know that with the support of my husband, family, friends and the Lose Baby Weight community that I will reach it.
I can’t wait to be able to go shopping and buy something straight off the rack without trying it on. I haven’t bought new clothes since losing weight so I’m really keen to hit the shops.
I can’t wait to share the month of March with you all!
Jodie Koeleman
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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