It’s fair to say that Jamie Oliver is one proud hubby and Papa Bear! So much so that he cheekily hacked his wife’s Instagram page to share a gorgeous private moment of Jools and the newest addition to the family with a gushing tribute to them both. Let’s all say it together….awwwwww!
Jamie’s hack was more out of love than mischief, seizing the opportunity to declare his love for ‘Jo’ to her followers and sending out a shout out to all ‘the mums out there’.
Both Jamie and Jools have shared a few gorgeous moments of their newest addition, and having had a browse through these photos I realised the following:
1. Their photos are super cute, fluffy, genuine and real – we can ALL relate to the exhausted looks on their faces mixed with awe and love when they look and cuddle up to Newest Baby Oliver. I mean that photo of Baby’s first bath – UGH my ovaries!
2. I am super jealous that even after baby number 5, Jools’ still has the state of mind to throw together a matching outfit – albeit a pair of denim shorts and cute cami – I’m still rocking my mismatching ill fitting active wear most days and I am neither active nor a new mum – my youngest is 18 months old and I only have two. You are officially my new idol Jools. #supermum
They are yet to name Newest Baby Oliver – and it is little wonder – with his siblings names being Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Rainbow and Buddy Bear Maurice it’s going to take some time to come up with an equally magnificent name for the little man – guaranteed it will be a standout.
Now I am clucky when I have no business being clucky! Must stay away from Baby Oliver photos.
Well stay tuned – you can bet I’ll be sharing with you what Jamie and Jools name their gorgeous baby boy!