Let me start from the beginning of my weight gain journey.
I am a mother to 3 beautiful children aged 5, 3 and 8 months.
During all three pregnancies I did no favours to my body through what I ate and the amount of exercise I did (or should I say didn’t do).
Before I had kids I was about 75kgs. When I was pregnant the first time I put on 10 kilos which I thought was great, as it wasn’t going to be too much of a problem to lose all that weight easily.
I thought wrong.
I tried and tried and only lost about 5 of the 10 kilos.
Then I fell pregnant for the second time, where I put on another 10 kilos.


I waited a bit before we tried again as when my son was only 5 months old I fell severely ill when my appendix burst and I ended up with pneumonia and pleurisy. Whilst I was in hospital for about 4 weeks I managed to lose about 10 kilos and I was feeling great, besides almost dying that is.
It was the easiest weight I’ve ever lost but don’t really recommend such over the top methods to anyone.
Fast forward 2 years and I was over the moon to be pregnant with my third child. Whilst I was pregnant with her I put on 20-25 kilos.
I didn’t want to weigh myself by the end of my pregnancy, as I knew I was at least in the 90’s and I had never been big like that before.
For the next few months I ate what I thought was right and exercised whenever I had a chance. I could feel my weight plateau.
For 2-3 months I was stuck between 85-86 kilos.
I had been looking into the Lose Baby Weight plans for a while as they were breastfeeding friendly.
I was ready to take on the challenge. But I thought, wait, how do I go on a ‘diet’ with 3 kids, a husband that does shift work and a tight budget?
So I decided not to do it, then one day I got up and thought I will just peek and see how much it is, $50, $70, $100?
No, to my absolute surprise it was much less than that, and I thought, well I can do that.
So I pulled my finger out and bought the 28 day diet and exercise plan, went out and got everything I needed and started the plan.
My kids and husband have liked the majority of things I have cooked from the 28 day healthy eating plan.
At the end of the first week of eating what felt like more than what I usually would eat I was VERY surprised to find out I had lost 3 kilos.
That’s right in one week I had got myself down to 82 kilos and had so much more energy and the kids LOVED it.
Since that first week I have thoroughly enjoyed the so-called diet that I have been on.
I have strayed here and there from the diet like over Easter and on birthdays and so forth but weighing myself this morning I am proud to say that I am now 74.9 kilos and have lost over 10kg – and it is the easiest weight I have ever lost.
Now that I am down to my pre-baby weight I am now aiming to get down to my pre-husband weight – so another 10 kilos to go.
A few people commented on how great I look and asked what I’m doing and I haven’t hesitated to tell them all about the wonderful things I’ve been eating and how great I feel.
Thank you,
Jacinta King
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here  
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