Marissa Nieves Fitness ExpertFitness Expert for the 28 Day Challenge, Marissa Nieves, up lets us know how we can still benefit from exercise when we only have a short amount of time available to do it:
Lack of free time is one of the most frequently mentioned issues when people are asked what prevents them from exercising.
In the past, “I don’t have time” was a simple reason for not exercising. However, interestingly, scientists are now testing the validity of this excuse and it is proving to be quite inaccurate!
Science is now showing that even as little as 10-15 minutes of exercise per day can be enough, not only to lose weight and tone up but to improve overall fitness and health also.
Instead of longer exercise periods, shorter bursts of high intensity exercises are becoming highly favourable among trainers and athletes alike. In numerous scientific studies, shorter and higher intensity workouts are showing a marked increase in not only the number of calories but are also showing improved blood flow, circulation, metabolism, sleep patterns and mood.
A new study from the team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology suggests that just 12 minutes of high-intensity exercise could be enough to keep us fit and healthy.
During the study, participants in both groups showed an increase in oxygen uptake (the amount of oxygen the body utilises during exercise). Blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol and body fat also lowered by similar amounts in both groups.
Scientists have very quickly shown us that time may no longer be an issue for those wishing to create positive health or bodily changes through exercise and in fact, even short periods of exercise every day can have life changing results.
Numerous studies such as these coming out of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology are proving that we no longer need to take on long, tiresome workouts.
Instead, we could save ourselves some time and energy, reap all the health rewards for our efforts and more through a shorter, more intense training regime.
Marissa Nieves
Fitness Expert
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