1506_LBW_TH_FB_MREC_EXPERTSCheree Sheldon, Nutritionist for the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges has shared some tips on how to prevent over-indulging when at a party or function that can be full of unhealthy food temptations:
When you think of the food at at a function or party, what do you picture?
I imagine lovingly made hors d’oeuvres that are fresh, healthy, and flavoursome; platters of baked goodies; and nourishing nibbles……
The reality rarely matches my fantasy parties though…. party food is usually highly processed, deep fried, trans fat laden, and bursting with artificial colours and flavours. And that fact there, is one of the main reasons I have self discipline at parties. Knowing what is in my food makes me very conscious of my decisions about what to eat.
However, until I got to this point, I was tempted by party food just as much as the next person, and aside from locking yourself at home all the time to avoid temptation, we need to learn some skills to make choices we can be proud of when faced with foods that are not in our healthy eating plans.
healthy eating recipes
Here’s some hot tips to avoid over-indulging at parties:

  1. Change the menu: If you are the host of the party, then change the unhealthy foods you serve to ones that are healthy. Instead of chips that are full of artificial flavours, pick plain chips. Have platters of homemade dips with veggie sticks and brown rice crackers. Make frittata bites instead of serving frozen quiches. Make your own mini pizzas on pita bread with pesto and feta cheese. There are plenty of options! Try any of the delicious snack ideas from the 28 Day Challenge – there are loads of sweet and savoury options.
  2. RSVP your choices: When you RSVP to an event let them know your dietary choices or ask if their will be healthy options. If it is a party at someones house, ask them if you can take a plate of healthy nibbles to help out (or just turn up with one!).
  3. Stay far from temptation: Sit away from the food table, stand with your back to it, or push the platter on the opposite side of the table. If it’s not there, you won’t be tempted to nibble and indulge in unconscious eating.
  4. Don’t go hungry: Eat a nice nourishing meal or have a Healthy Mummy smoothie before you go to the function so you feel full and less tempted to fill up on nibbles.
  5. Set a limit for yourself and reward yourself when you stick to it: If you tend to binge on certain foods when you go to functions, then set the first goal to halve your normal intake, and give yourself a treat the next day (e.g. a massage, new cookbook, nail polish). Each time you make a positive change, reward yourself and try to tweak it more the next time.
  6. Acknowledge your temptations: Know what foods are your weakness to over-indulge on, and work out if there is a healthier option that you can make and take.
  7. Visualise your goals: Remember the saying “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels”. Before you go out, remind yourself why you want to be healthy, and if you find yourself holding a piece of food that isn’t on your plan, know that it is OK to put it down. Keep in mind that healthy, vital image of yourself that you are working hard to achieve.
  8. Be conscious in your choices: A lot of the problem with party food is it is in copious amounts in front of us, and we have no idea how much we are consuming. We just keep nibbling because it is in front of us. The best plan is to make yourself a nibble plate that fits in with your goals and portions, and stick to it. When you eat consciously, you take time to enjoy your foods- the taste, smell, texture.
  9. Work out during the day: I don’t know about you, but if I have spent some time exercising, then my temptation levels are way down, because I don’t want to undo all the sweaty work I did earlier! So, if you have a function planned, take time out during the day to do some exercise and set yourself up for success!
  10. Be accountable: Find yourself a party buddy and be accountable to them. Let them know your plans and limits, and choose a “safe word” or phrase for them to say if they see you breaking your plan. You could get your hubby or partner to say “I can’t wait ’til our beach holiday can you??” as a nice reminder. It is way nicer to hear that from someone then to have them say “You have eaten/drank too much”, as that tends to make us a tad defiant. And accountability only works if you don’t make excuses or your buddy won’t LET you make excuses.
  11. Forgive yourself and plan for next time: If you splurge at a party, don’t dwell on it, forgive yourself, BUT make sure you learn from it. WHY did you break your plan, WHAT was the temptation, HOW will you change it if you were in that situation again??

It is possible to party while losing weight and make healthy choices, you just need to be a bit smarter about food choices! Have fun!
Cheree Sheldon, Nutritionist
Healthy Mummy Smoothies