You might think that you need to join a gym or buy specialist equipment in order to exercise to lose pregnancy weight and improve your fitness.
But the truth is there are loads of ways to exercise each and every day without spending any money at all.

Exercise at the park

When the little ones are running about, it’s only natural to want to sit down on a park bench and watch them (and take 4,000 photos of them). But this is a golden opportunity to get active while your kids are occupied. Do some lunges, use the bench for some tricep dips, stride up and down the stairs if there are some there – you get the picture.

Try the 28 Day Challenge Exercises

If you are already a member, as part of the challenge you can check out the daily exercise ideas that are all done without specific equipment. Not a member yet? Find out more here.

Take your baby for a walk

Some days you just need to get some fresh air (and it can even help a restless baby get to sleep – they like fresh air too). Pack up the pram and pound the pavement for 20 minutes.

Use cans as weights

If it’s raining and you’re stuck at home while the kids draw or play, grab two tins of food (tomatoes, lentils, etc) from the cupboard and use them as weights. Work your biceps and triceps and think about what you could cook for dinner using what you are holding (just for fun).

Take the long way

Anywhere you go, take the longer route. Walk around an extra block to get to the supermarket. Arrive early to the doctor’s and do a ten minute walk before your appointment.

Find a pool 

In many areas there are free pools available for use, such as ocean pools by the beach. If you don’t live by the sea, maybe you have a friend with a pool who would let you pop in for a few laps.

Borrow an exercise DVD

Most libraries have a stack of workout DVDs available, or maybe a friend has some you could try out. And if you find one you really love, maybe you could save up for it. Naturally we would recommend you try the Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD. It’s made for mums and is all broken down into 10 and 15 minute workouts.

Ride your bike

Jump on your bike (or borrow one) and get moving. Try to find routes with some hills and inclines to get your heart pumping. Cycling is great to do with a friend, so why not start a regular weekly cycle with a few pals.

Go hiking

Really get a sweat on by finding a local spot where you can go for a hike. Get your heart rate up as you explore your area and work your legs and bum.

Walk with a friend 

We all know that when meeting someone for coffee there will be a massive amount of temptation to deal with in terms of the glass cabinet of cakes. So why not skip the caffeine and go straight for the walk and chat instead.


Check out the exercise section on our website for loads of free advice and ideas for workouts that you can do right now, in your lounge room.
For more great exercise ideas check out our Exercising With A Clingy Baby Ebook 
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Healthy Mummy blog signatureEvery month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!
Next months theme is the WINTER! – Perfect for the chilly weather, SUPER easy to whip up and still just as healthy.
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try HERE.  1605_THM_BA_FBMREC_JulyWinterSamplerAd2
Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.

Here are some INCREDIBLE results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge.

Lauren lost 50kgs* on our 28 day weight loss challenges. Weight loss 50 kgs
Lauren says: “I lost 50kgs in 11 months doing the 28 day challenges. Good food is so important for every stage of life! 🎉
This program is incredible for support and for amazing tools to help you succeed and maintain!
It’s definitely a step worth taking to start a life changing journey” 
You won’t regret it!
Join the challenge here lets-do-it