“New Year Resolutions: by Kathryn Loef
I think that my New Years resolution has been to lose weight for as long as I’ve been making them. Since around the age of 15, I have struggled with an unhealthy body image, leading to strict and obsessive control of my diet and exercise.
I strived to be skinny, and focussed on what others thought about me; what they would see when they looked at me. My life was consumed by these thoughts. This ruined most of my adolescent life, destroyed any self esteem I had and has tainted my memories of that time in my life.
The outward expressions of my obsession reduced two years later when I met my now husband, but the controlling thoughts remained. I was a typical yo-yo dieter, and my weight went up and down along with it.
When my husband and I started trying to conceive a child, I tried to focus more on being healthy. I stopped restricting my calorie intake severely, but the obsession with food continued.
My unhealthy thinking was still a major part of my life and not a day passed where I didn’t think about my weight, how much I needed to lose, how much exercise I should be doing, and what I should or shouldn’t be eating.
My husband and I tried for over a year to conceive, as I had multiple fertility problems. During this time, my weight increased steadily. I was stressed, and ate emotionally as a result.
This was then immediately greeted by strong remorse and guilt. When I fell pregnant in August 2011 I weight 72kg, 10kg heavier than when I was married and the heaviest I had been in my life. During my pregnancy I fought with my demons, and purposefully did not control what I ate.
Despite eating mostly healthy foods, I gained 25kg in total over my pregnancy. I was devastated to weigh 97kg at the end of my pregnancy, and I believe that this strongly contributed to the antenatal depression that I developed around 33 weeks.
I was emotionally exhausted, I hated looking in mirrors and tried to avoid photographs. I know that later in life I will regret not having more photos of myself pregnant with my son, but at the time I could not take the disappointment of how huge I looked.
I was determined to lose my baby weight immediately and get back on my “become skinny” mission. I was terrified to let go of the control, in case my weight ballooned out permanently. That was originally how I found Lose Baby Weight. I had no idea at the time what a difference this would make to my attitude to weight loss!
I am now 8 months post-partum and am finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I owe much of this to the Lose Baby Weight Team. I started using their healthy mummy smoothies around 2 months post-partum on and off and gently worked from light exercise back to my normal gym plan.
A very unsettled baby diagnosed with reflux meant that the weight loss was slow going, but the team provided support throughout this. I read through their articles, followed their Facebook page and read conversations and articles by other mums. The team have a balanced and positive approach to post-partum weight loss, and is the most supportive program that I have found. After a while, I finally felt able to concentrate on a lifelong journey of health, not on a short term goal of weight loss.
I have a long way to go, but I’m looking forward to continuing this journey in 2013. When I was diagnosed as dairy intolerant late 2012, I was so glad that I could continue the using the smoothies with almond milk.
My resolution this year is to get back to the weight I was when I got married, and to be confident in myself so that I do not feel pressure to lose more than this. I want to provide a positive environment that encourages my son to have a healthy relationship with food.
I will focus on being strong, happy, and at peace with myself. And of course, I will continue to follow the Lose Baby Weight program to gain the most I can from their encouragement and support.
This wasn’t easy for me to write, but I hope that someone out there can identify, and know that recovery is possible; no matter what your situation is. May 2013 bring you health and peace for you and your family.”
Thank you Katherine for sharing your story xx
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout

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